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Thats it I have lost it


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I have lost the plot!!!!!!!!!!



Why is the great Electricity Debate at the top of the M/Home forum ?

Did some one ask for that to be put there ?

Why is the author the MODS ?


Have I lost the plot ?

I thought that people were asking for a simple task like the three running threads on reversing and the like to be put together under one .

Tell me I aint lost the plot please.

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No dear you ain't lost the plot.


It's just that when Warner's want info for a magazine article they make it sticky so that more people will see it and chip in.


As the electricity debate is not politically, racially or advertiser sensitive it got a sticky thingy stucky to it.

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handyman - 2008-03-25 4:37 PM




you say its not racial............but they changed the colour of the neutral to black a while ago 8-)


Not quite!


The neutral was changed from black to blue in case being black and neutral offended any blue people!


The live was changed from red to brown in case being red and live offended any brown people!


I don't know why the earth was changed from green to yellow or yellow and green.


I could hazard a guess but hazarding a guess could be hazardous so I don't think I had better go there!

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Hymer C 9. - 2008-03-25 6:44 PM


Beam me up scotty :D Carol.


Captain Kirk never actually said those words in the Star Trek series Carol!


'Beam me up Scotty - there's no intelligent down here on Earth' might have been more appropriate?

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I recently saw "intelligent down" mentioned in a duvet advert in the Daily Mail. It was said to be produced from genetically-modified geese and automatically adjusted its fluffiness according to the temperature within the bed.


Apparently Auto-Sleepers are considering offering intelligent down duvets as an option on their soon-to-be-released Snoozo model, plus a cab-seat design that sticks a pin in the driver's backside if it looks like he/she is about to nod off.


A reliable source told me that the Snoozo prototype also has the capability to turn its front and rear wheels through 90 degrees, allowing it to rotate within its own length. This patented system will, however, be only available on Peugeot-based versions of Snoozo as it's intended primarily to remove the need for the motorhome to be reversed. What will they think of next?

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I have seen the snoozo brouchure you refer to ,it was unclear from the spec's about the six speed box .

I asumed it was five in reverse but from your post I see it is literally six speed .

They mention an SE pack do you think you would be able to have the intellegent down duvet in exhange for the reversing camera.

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Very possibly. Auto-Sleepers latest policy is "Whatever you want, we can provide it".


Incidentally, I failed to mention that Snoozo's 'no need to reverse' feature involves a 4-wheel drive system that permits separate direction-control of each of the motorhome's two axles - though I expect everybody spotted this would be needed.


Thus, by turning all the wheels through 90 degrees and selecting different wheel-rotation direction for each axle Snoozo can be spun on the spot like a top (to the amazement and envy of other campers), while, by selecting the same rotation direction for both axles, Snoozo can move directly sideways. The latter feature will vastly simplify on-street parking and also permit Snoozo owners to cuddle up their motorhome to within millimetres of neighbouring motorcaravanners' vehicles, a capability that, apparently, is much to be desired.


Snoozo also includes as standard a 230V generator producing 100 decibels of noise. This is to avoid a situation where people might possibly forget to turn off their super-quiet generators at midnight and waste increasingly expensive petrol.

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Wow Derek the Snoozo sounds really impressive.


The features that interest us are the 4 wheel drive system for off roading and the capability to drive sideways so that we can get close to other motor homes. They seem to like to get close to us even if there's only 2 of us on site.


I would hope that Andy Stothert will be doing a review for MMM in the near future because , going on the info. above, I for one would part exchange the Rienza for it.


Any other information you can supply will be gratefully received.

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I can reveal that, besides the basic Snoozo (with the desirable features I've mentioned above), there will also be Snoozo-GCS and Snoozo-TP variants.


The GCS (Grassy Camp Sites) model is based on a John Deere tractor-chassis, complete with winch to help extract other motorcaravanners should they get stuck in the mire and a digging-arm for burying toilet waste rather than chucking it into the bushes in the time-honoured manner. A 'hedge trimming' flail arrangement is fitted to top of the motorhome to counter the possibility of damage being caused to the vehicle by low-hanging tree branches. (Also useful if squirrels get on the roof.)


Snoozo-TP (Total Protect) is even more radical and aimed at people apprehensive about purchasing a motorhome due to the widespread stories of gas attacks, assault, theft, etc. Its bodywork is constructed from Chobham armour and, as there are no windows, a comprehensive camera system is used for external vision. Entry to the vehicle is gained via a roof-mounted hatch of bank-vault strength. Tyres are bullet-proof and it is possible (where the law allows it, of course!) to electrify the bodywork with a near-lethal voltage. For the first 3 years of ownership free telephone help-lines are provided to Interpol, MI5, MI6 and other crime-fighting agencies, so that you can check the credentials of your campsite neighbours should you suspect they might be drug dealers or international terrorists.


It does need saying that, although all Snoozos will be marketed at 3500kg MAM, potential buyers should be aware that payload may be restricted at that weight. Prices have yet to be announced.

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Michele. If you go for the Snoozo TP will you buy first so that you can give us a review?


The TP would suit us better as I quite fancy the gun up top but wonder if Auto-sleepers could fit 4 wheel drive as an extra.


We would also need a wind mill fitted on top as we are considering an invertor for when we camp wild.


The wind mill would fit in very well with the scenery in South West Scotland as there is a rash of wind farms being erected that are totally ruining our beautiful scenery so one more is neither here nor there.

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mco - 2008-03-28 8:11 PM


Michele. If you go for the Snoozo TP will you buy first so that you can give us a review?


The TP would suit us better as I quite fancy the gun up top but wonder if Auto-sleepers could fit 4 wheel drive as an extra.


We would also need a wind mill fitted on top as we are considering an invertor for when we camp wild.


The wind mill would fit in very well with the scenery in South West Scotland as there is a rash of wind farms being erected that are totally ruining our beautiful scenery so one more is neither here nor there.


Mco The Tp is the one we fancy it comes with the SE pack you get all the extra's with it I have been told mind you, you know what they will tell you anything.

One sales man said it flys in reverse but the jurys still out I was waiting to see if it actually does do hills backwards. In the meantime whilst test driving it today I couldnt find any steep hills but the guy said it apparently moves well on water and ice I think he said ice anyway i remember him saying it goes backwards down hill good on the ice .

The fire inflicting pain device works well I accidently hit that button and burnt the sales mans legs :D .

Well I hope we wont be sorry I shall ask if they do windmills. :D

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Thank you Michele for doing the leg work for the Snoozo.


I trust your judgement completely on this, as you are obviously a woman of experience. Derek too, is a man whose advice I respect.


If Auto-sleepers can't do windmills, will buy a bike and a tent.


Don't know about Dandy Geoff, more like Crackerjack.





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you're welcome next week I am due to visit the salesman in hospital just to take him some flowers and grapes .

If he is well I promise to put him in his wheelchair and push him downhill back to the show room with one brake on he should feel a slight juddering but nothing to worry I assured him it was all normal

I will whilst there investigate fully the Snoozo SE pack and enquire about the bike rack . Don't worry I have not forgot the windmill . :D



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mco - 2008-03-30 12:00 AM


My sincere sympathy to the poor salesman when you take his grapes and flowers.


Are we saying that the salesman is in hospital suffering from grapes because if we are then I think that the flowers will not help to cure them, you can get an ointment for them now I think it is called "Anusol", there are a couple of posters on the reversing thread that could do with being smothered in this wonder potion. John D.

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