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Watch Your Lolly!!


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It's pretty obvious, but worth repeating if it saves someone heartache, but in the present economic climate do safeguard yourself involving future purchases. Having noticed that at least one major dealership group has lost more than 60% of it's value in a few months it will not only be its shareholders in trouble if people don't take care.


A few suggestions to help;


1. Drive the hardest bargain on the whole deal that you can. Luxury goods sales are on the slide and dealers need your business.


2. Do not let dealers use you as a free loan source. Pay the smallest deposit possible, certainly not more than 5%.


3. Your deposit is at risk if your dealer goes out of business. Pay deposits by credit card, you should be able to seek redress from the card company if the worse happens, and not by cheque or cash.


Any more suggestions to swing the balance our way for a change?



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