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Water pump problem


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Can anybody offer any suggestions regarding a problem I have with the water pump in my 6year old VW camper?

The pump is a Whale Universal pump model UP0812. It is supposed to be self priming and certainly worked ok for some years but recently it has developed a decided lack of enthuiasmn to self prime itself. With a bit of assitance by attaching a pipe to the tap, turning on the tap and pump, then sucking on the pipe water can be drawn up to the pump which then works fine for a period of time whilst on site. If I try to use the pump after driving the van it usually has to be helped to get itsef primed again. I have checked the pipe connections and can find no leaks.

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I am not familiar with this particular pump, but it works in the same way as my Shurflo. I suggest that first you check the filter attached to the inlet manifold, to see if it is clogged. If cleaning this doesn't work, then see if the bolts holding the parts (the square black plastic bit and the cylindrical motor) together can be tightened. If this doesn't work it suggests that the diapragm is worn and needs renewing. Perhaps you can find a diagram/parts list on the Whale website - www.whalepumps.com/ . Alternatively, have you got the manual - this should have a diagram, etc. in it.
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Guest peter
I had the same problem on mine. I took the housing off and cleaned it all up especially the diaphram and put it all back together making sure the diaphram in tight, to stop it sucking air. As mine was. All is o/k now. Good luck.
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The fact that the pump needs re-priming after you drive your vehicle suggests that water is draining back from the pump into the water tank. This, in turn, suggests there may be an air leak somewhere between the pump and the water pick-up point within the tank. (If there is also spitting at the taps, then a 'pre-pump' air-leak is a pretty fair bet.) As it's going to be difficult getting at the pump, you might try inserting a non-return valve in the water-hose leading to the pump. That way, once you've primed the pump initially by the tap-sucking method, it should stay primed. (I'm not offering this as a solution, more as a cheap-and-cheerful bodge that might save time and effort.)


At least the UP0812 pump still seems to be currently marketed by Whale, so obtaining spares shouldn't be a problem.

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Thanks Derek, what you say makes sense. Unfortunately fitting a one way valve would present the same problems as accessing the pump. By feeling with my hand the water inlet pipe is secured to a washing machine type screw connector fitted to the pump by a jubilee clip. The pipe then goes through the floor presumably straight to the tank. To get at the pipe I still need to move the cooker/sink unit. I will check the pipe though for any possibility of drawing air in though.
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  • 7 months later...

For anyone that is remotely interested, I have resolved the problem with my water pump with the help of the extremely helpful people at Whale Water Systems ,Ireland. After struggling with this pump problem for some time I used the enquiry facility on Whales web site asking for suggestions. In my experience, using this facility on web sites rarely generates any response or on the odd occasion when it does it is usually weeks later with the response completely missing the point of the enquiry.  Not so in Whales case! They replied the following morning, completely understood the enquiry and said they had despatched a replacement valve plate that would probably cure the problem. Sure enough the plate arrived by 1st class post the following morning, was fitted to the pump and has restored the pump to full use. It now sucks like a good un!

If anyone has similar problems with their Whale pump or is planning to fit/change their pump I can recommend Whale. They provided me with excellent service especially considering my pump was 6 years old.

I have no connection with the firm other than being a very satisfied customer.  

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