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I have posted a request on the sites forum. I am trying to locate a copy of All The Aires France { english }. It has been sugested that A gentleman by the name of Don Madge may be able to help. I hope you read this thread Don. It seems to be out of print untill the end of May and I will be in France from mid May.


Alan Bishop

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leisurepower - 2008-03-28 4:29 PM



I have posted a request on the sites forum. I am trying to locate a copy of All The Aires France { english }. It has been sugested that A gentleman by the name of Don Madge may be able to help. I hope you read this thread Don. It seems to be out of print untill the end of May and I will be in France from mid May.


Alan Bishop




The aires guide is out of print at present.


When the shop opens again on Monday you can check to see if there are any copies of the original aires guide that had to be replaced due to faulty binding by the printers. If there aren't any I can loan you a copy.


The shop phone number is 0131 208 3333





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If you are stuck, you order one, get it sent to my address, (we aren't going to France until Sept.) In the meantime, I'll get mine in the post to you as you as you can confirm the order. P.M. me with your address and I'll send you mine.


Or if you are going to be back before Sept. you can borrow mine for your trip.



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Guest JudgeMental

why don't you get a GPS unit, and load all the free campsite and Aire data on to it.


It makes life so much easier, and books can be used for reference purposes as well......


the map comes with official french version " aires de service camping cars"


but the English version from vicarious books ( has page maps as well) "all the aires France" is much more user friendly :-D

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Don Madge - 2008-03-28 8:02 PM


Tomo3090 - 2008-03-28 6:58 PM


Just remembered, we have got the fold out map that goes with the book if you need that too!


There is no fold out map the goes with "All the Aires" you have got yourself confused somehow 8-) 8-)




Yes there is but you have to buy a French Motorhome magazine, they come in the package once a year. Unfortunately each year the numbers change so that if you have an old Aires Book and a new map they don't correspond.

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Guest JudgeMental


for the sake of clarity, once again I will point out that this thread is about "All The Aires France" { english } available from vicarious books and not the french book with separate map " aires de service camping cars" :-D

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But I didn't buy a magazine! I bought the map on its' own off a web site, I thought it was Vicariuos Books, but I can't remember for certain. Yes the, addresses are in French but the map is a standard layout of France with the aires numbered 1-1000 ish. There are no directions or descriptions it is just a map. I'm not at home at present so I can't tell you the name of it.


But to keep it "on thread", the book I will lend him is in English! ;-)

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"All the Aires in France" (in English) have been sold.


I assume you are associated with Leisurepower Ltd that trade at the shows? If you are and you plan to be at the Peterborough Show come to stall 204 (Vicarious Books) and I'll loan you a copy and you can return it at a later show.


I hope this helps.





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Just trying to help where ever you see the judge you shouldnt pop up .

What I mean by that is he may never ever come back to this thread and see your post .

Most people most of the time try to keep to the thread Ie Aires .

the best way to get himis there is a button marked PM at the bottom this allows you to send him a private messgae.

I hope you understand i am just trying to help.


Good Luck Michele.

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Guest JudgeMental
michele - 2008-04-01 3:29 PM



Just trying to help where ever you see the judge you shouldnt pop up .

What I mean by that is he may never ever come back to this thread and see your post .

Most people most of the time try to keep to the thread Ie Aires .

the best way to get himis there is a button marked PM at the bottom this allows you to send him a private messgae.

I hope you understand i am just trying to help.


Good Luck Michele.


this is all because they have stuck "expert" under my beautiful piccy..... peepole tink I know everyting!


Some are born great and some have greatness thrust upon dem!


I will have a look in van and post back to minstrel, personally I would nip around and see a local auto electrician.......

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As far as French-produced 'aires' maps are concerned, there are two of these matching the two aires books that relate to either "Camping-Car" or "Le Monde du Camping-Car" magazine. Each book (republished annually) comes with its related map, while each magazine also includes the respective map (normally) within its February issue. It's also possible to buy (at a silly price) the maps separately.




If you prefer to hide your light under a bushel, then it's just a matter of you going into Control Panel and changing the "Hide your post count?" box-entry from No to Yes. That will automatically 'de-Expert' you.

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