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Emissions in London


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Can anyone explain the regulations regarding vehicles being barred from London because of exhaust emissions ?

Like many others I am aware that there are or will be prohibitions in London but have no idea which vehicles that law applies to, exactly where they apply,{ after all London is a big area }, and no idea who to ask.


Perhaps this us a subject that can be covered in the magazine ?

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At the moment unless your motorhome is a bit older than yours is, you will be able to drive without paying. We went to our son at orpington over Easter and there is a big sign saying that the emission zone begins there (I think the A224) but no camera there. Son says that all the cameras already in use will catch people as they drive around.
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Thanks everyone.


The LEZ site was helpful but I think all that info should have been made public throughout the country i.e. in the national press etc. We dont all access the internet and we dont all live south of Watford Gap. Usually anything that happens in London doesnt affect me (apart from decisions by Gordon and his cronies)


Thankfully my motor isnt affected so I no longer have any fears of unintentionally driving into a London zone and having to pay £1500 or more!


It could easily happen if you have an older motor, are not aware of the facts, drive through London on your way to the ferry, and stay in Spain for 3 months ! That is why I believe it should be published in MMM and oither magazines.

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It could easily happen if you have an older motor, are not aware of the facts, drive through London on your way to the ferry, and stay in Spain for 3 months ! That is why I believe it should be published in MMM and oither magazines.

I don't know about the national press - haven't taken a morning paper for more than 2 years - but I do remember that the LEZ was featured on Radio 2.


However, if you look back over issues of the popular motorhome magazines and the CC magazine over the past few months you will find not only articles about the LEZ but also advertisements placed by TfL.



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Geoff, the other thing is it will not stop at London as it is an EU directive and most other places are looking to see what happens in London before they decide how they implement it, also already happening in Germany (Umwelt).

Also remember that although you are currently ok Euro V Emmisions will be in shortly so the goalposts may/ will change.



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In principle I don't disagree with what the EU are trying to do it is the manner in which 'Red Ken' has placed his own interperation on its implementation (a familiar take it or leave it attitude that seems prevelent in the UK) and is using it to fund his excesses that I object too.

The German model seems much fairer and is a one off payment for the life of the vehicle.



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Basil - 2008-03-29 1:12 PM

In principle I don't disagree with what the EU are trying to do it is the manner in which 'Red Ken' has placed his own interperation on its implementation

I agree Bas. The really unfair aspect, to me, is that it affects residents within the zone who bought their vehicles quite legitimately and now find that they may have to pay the charge simply drive the vehicle to and from home. This must be a very small number of people and it would have been (still is) possible to identify them and exempt them.


Basil - 2008-03-29 1:12 PM

The German model seems much fairer and is a one off payment for the life of the vehicle.

It is a one-off payment but if the vehicle doesn't have the correct badge it won't be able to be taken into certain areas at all (different from London where you can take it in but be charged). I don't know what happens if you take a vehicle where you shouldn't - some sort of prosecution I suppose. You can also be prosecuted for not displaying a badge and the range of vehicles affected is wider than London. I found This Link by doing a Google search.



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