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Fiamma Awning & safari Room


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I have a 4.5 M Fiamma zip awning to which I attach a safari Room.


Fiamma supplied two plastic 'shoes' which clamp inside the awning box with one screw each. The poles to support the safari room sides slot into each of these 'shoes'. one at each end of the awning. My problem is that in moderate winds these shoes become displaced and the side of the awning is left hanging on just the zip.

Has anyone had a similar experience, if so, how did you rectify it, or how did you improve the security of the plastic 'shoes' inside the awning box.


The wife will not have the safari room attached until the problem is solved.




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Hi Alan

Once you've got the safari room all up and pegged down tighten the roof by winding the awning in slightly. Not to much or you'll stretch the awning material but just enough to increase the tension on the side bars, that's what we do and our 'shoes' have never come loose.

Silly question, you have done the screws up tight havnt you?

i only ask because ours have never moved.




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hi Nige,

thanks for your reply.

One further question. When you tighten the single screw which holds the plastic 'shoe' in place, have you screwed right throught the awning box, or does it just tighten against the frame of the box.

Yes, my screws were tight, and the wind caused the sides to blow-in and score the side ofthe box where the screw head was pushed against it.


Which ever make of awning you have, the ones on motorhomes do not appear to fit as securly as caravan awnings.

We shall just have to take it in when the wind starts to blow !!


have a good weekend



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