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Motorhome Skiing Website


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I have set up a website for skiers and boarders wishing to use their motorhome in the mountains in the winter,



The site was advertised in MMM this month. If any one out there would like to contribute in order to make it even better please contact me and send some info/pics etc. My email address is on the welcome page and I will credit you with the information. I really want to expand the german/austrian/swiss/Italian sites or aires. Please contribute we have had over 6500 hits so far

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I've never seen a motorhome skiing but it does beg the question, 'Is it possible to fit skis and make my motorhome ski in reverse please to preserve the gearbox and save on clutch wear?'


With apologies Kevin for hijacking your thread - but it is April 1st!

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Hi Kevin,

Just ot give you a little plug having used your site over new year. Michelle beat me to the review though. I have just returned from a 10 day tour of Scotland and took the opportunity to go skiing at Clencoe. Couldn't believe how good it was!!! Would you like reviews of any Scottish resorts or are you just looking at doing alps?

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