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Tour de FRance 2008

Don Madge

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Mel E - 2008-04-03 12:59 PM




I really cannot see why anyone would want to see this drug-crazed event!


Mel E



You don't go to just see the riders, they are past you in seconds, its the whole "Caravane" that is interesting. We have been many times and its still a thrill to see what the sponsors come up with turning their vehicles into all sorts of things. They are not all "drug-crazed" if you bothered to read about the event in total.



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Mel E - 2008-04-03 11:59 AM




I really cannot see why anyone would want to see this drug-crazed event!


Mel E



No more drug crazed than most other sports. Cycling has worked very hard to erdicate the use of performance enhancing drugs which is more than could be said for most other sports. Football has to be the biggest joke of all, footballers are given an appointment for a drug test, with several days notice, so can easily mask anything that has been taken.

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Thats a pretty harsh statement to put forward young lady, I would imagine you've never sat on a bicycle let alone raced one.


The TV viewing on Eurosport is the best summer event going, we as foreign tourists can get a real insight into the French village scenery and countryside that assists the Motorhome user to see more of it.


Ps maybe your not 'the lady' then, as a journalist you should know better.



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Most of the top riders in the race over many years, with one or two exceptions, have at some time been banned shortly after, or during, the race for using performance enhancing drugs. And it is true that the sport is trying to clean up its' image, but it is the sponsors that are bringing pressure to bear here and not the teams themselves.


There is no doubt either that other sports have had their own problems but that doesn't detract from Mels' statement,


It's just Woodstock on bikes! (without the music!) :-D

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Mel E - 2008-04-03 11:59 AM




I really cannot see why anyone would want to see this drug-crazed event!


Mel E



I often wonder why when someone goes to the trouble to post a useful link for some forum users, why the above type of comment is thought to be of any relevance.


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