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School holidays


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(?) can any-one help, we would like to take our two grand children away for l week in motor home during the school holidays (next week) but weather (as we are all aware) doesnt seem to want us to go. Any suggestions, we enjoy walking, swimming(preferably indoors) and some entertainment of an evenings.... *-) Good sites greatly appreciated. ;-)
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Not really my cup of tea, but how about Blackpool. There is lots to do in the evening, the Sandcastle Indoor water park is open, the fair will be open for the kids and the you can get fish, (and chips!) There are lots of sites in the area and you could "do" the Lake District on the way back


Just remember to re-mortgage before you go so you will have the cash to pay for it!

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Well I dont know how adventure seeking you are. Check out my blog as I have just updated our trip to Scotland with our Kids. We went up to wester ross which has some great walking, If your near to one of the ski resorts and as is expected there is plenty of snow, why not try one of the ski resorts?

If you want to come south our kids love Kirkby Lonsdale and Ingleton, once again great walks and caving to be done.

What ever you decide enjoy it. :-D

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Try the Camping club site at Clitheroe. Almost opposite the swimming pool close to town,ghost tours of the castle,Pendle Hill and Trough of Bowland for walking. And best of all Cowmans sausage shop last count 50 varieties of snorkers!!


Edisford Rd

Clitheroe, BB7 3LA

01200 425294


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(lol) thank you all for your replies, we have decided to try Stanwix Park at Cumbria, we have never been on a large site, so here's hoping, but at least if weather gets realy bad,we can pack up and get home. (!) We had lot of snow this morning but all cleared away now, cold but very pleasant, wil let u all know how we get on. ;-)
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  • 2 weeks later...
hi folks, just thought I would update you, we went to stanwix park at siloth, facilities for kids great, but dont think we would like in high season, unfortunately after three lovely days, myhusband took massive heart attack, the doctors at Silloth were great and he was soon in Carlisle Inf. then transferred to Freeman in Newcastle, service and assistamces second to none, thankfully we got him home on Sunday night, he has not to drive for some 8 weeks, can any-one tell us if this will effect him in the future from driving our Dakota 24m length, 3.05 ton vehicle, we normally have a trailer and car, but that could get left behind. thanks. *-)
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Hi Margaret,


Sorry to hear about your husband's poor health I hope he is well on the mend now - can't help with whether it will affect future driving I am afraid, but we too have a Dakota with a car on a trailer. We have decided to have automatic movers put on trailer next month (Rhyno movers, as in caravan movers) as we are finding it "heavy going" hitching up and moving the trailer. Maybe this sort of device would help later on if you still want to take your car - device can move loaded trailer which is even better...:-)


All the best


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I'm very sorry to hear of your husband's problems Margaret and I wish him a speedy recovery.


My Dad had several heart attacks and he did not drive or tow unless his GP or specialist gave the all clear and that way he enjoyed towing and caravanning for many years after the first attack.


He did advise the DVLA and his car and caravan insurers but at that time they were not bothered as long as he had medical approval as being fit to drive and/or tow.


As a matter of course I would be inclined to contact all of the above and seek their written confirmation of their specific requirements just to be on the safe, specially if you are not feeling too good.


Knowing you are absolutely within the law should bring some comfort and satisfaction about there being one thing less to worry about.


Good luck and best wishes.

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Hi Margaret,

Sorry to hear of your woes. Obviously I don't know the circumstances, but my Father had a heart attack when he was in his sixties. Following a bypass operation he was as good as new and life continued as normal for over 25 years.


Although he died last year of an unrelated illness, his heart gave him no problems at all following the op. Hopefully you'll both be travelling again soon.

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Hello Margaret,


Hope all goes well with your husband.


I've had 2 heart attacks; seperated by quite a few years; my first when I was 41.


Ask the doctor for advice ~ usually its 6 weeks before you can drive, and back when I had my first attack I was told to inform the DVLA; which I did; but I understand that it isn't necessary anymore. If that is the case I would suggest you don't inform them and when asked on any forms in the future ~ 'have you any notifiable illnesses' ~ you can honestly say NO.


I am fit and well, work full time and as fit as the next man. With regard to driving I consider myself to be safe as I know what the attack felt like and would recognise the symptoms, which would give me time to bring my vehicle to a safe halt. Many people carry on driving when experiencing pain or unfamiliar feelings in the body and could well be oblivious to what is happening to them.


If you want to ask me anything ~ please PM me.







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I did some HGV driving in the early part of this year and I worked with a guy who was 72 and had just argued for his class 1 HGV licence back from the DVLA after 3 heart attacks and 4 open heart operations! His argument was that he had had the corrective surjury, 3 months physio and was cured!


His consultant and GP both tested him on a heart rate tester and he had the heart rate measurement of someone in their 30s' so the DVLA had no case to prevent him from driving because he passed the medical.


Personally I thought he was mental wanting to drive class 1 trucks at 72, but as I only have a 1st aid certificate it doesn't count as a REAL medical qualification so no one listened :-D

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:-> thank you every-one for your good wishes for my hubby, he has had his operation and is feeling great ( although he never new he had heart trouble), all your comments have been very helpfully, and we have done most of them (informing ins. etc) and you have given us great confidence to enjoy holidays in the future,( maybe later in the year) and Jen we will def. look into auto mover for the trailer, Its so nice to be able to speak to so many helpful people, Thank you all.
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(?) Jenny, we have enquired re a mover, and were just about to order same, when we were advised to check that it would do for Brian James Twin axle trailer and car, and it seems there are a lot of ifs and buts, for example where it is parked etc, as it needs grib, could you let us know if you have seen them work on trailers, and if you looked at other makes. In fact in information from anyone would be appreciated.
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