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Holidaying in Hollan


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If you are not after guaranteed sunshine, then you are probably going to one of the best holiday destinations ever (well, that's my opinion). The people are friendly, most speak English and all the campsites I've been on are always clean and tidy. Don't concentrate on the South of the country only ( the true 'Holland') but visit the rest of The Netherlands if you can. If you visit the North, then a trip to the seal sanctuary at Pieterburen is highly recommended. It is not in many guide books and is not the largest sanctuary in Europe but is the most interesting. The director is a true enthusiast in dealing with this species of animal and the staff overjoyed when you announce you have come from UK to visit them. The east of the country is well worth a visit to see the battlefield and museums of Arnhem. Valkenburg is an interesting place with its caves, and what can one say about Amsterdam? The public transport in The Netherlands is second to none, so there is no need to use your motorhome to visit the cities, and a cycle is priceless as a way of getting about (but so is a good cycle-lock in some places!) Hope you enjoy your holiday!
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Can't argue with that Peter,

we usually drive round starting Europort - heading North, via

Delft, Edam, Hoorn Enkhuizen

cross Afsluitdijk http://www.deltawerken.com/The-Afsluitdijk/119.html


down through Friesland - great stuff

Dokkum, Deventer Nijmegen [see the loos at the campsite Moelen in Groesbeek



into their 'mountainous' region - then back through the worst bit - although there still some great spots - Arnhem, Gouda,


if you stay at Deltse Hout - make sure you get some Camping Cheques first - otherwise ACSI is good




we're off there again in September - using up my last Tesco Ferry Vouchers






PS Don't try wild camping and watch out for the bikes!!

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The Museum at Enkhuizen is an ablsolute 'Must'. Part of it is a village, complete with fishing port and canals, constructed bt moving buildings from the now abandonedfishing villages of the Zuider Zee which became an inland sea (Ijssel Meer) in the 1930s when the barrage across the North Sea was built. Over the years, the lake has turned from salt water to fresh water and the fishing villages have 'closed down'.


Mel E


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Hi Limerick,

I would agree with the Camping Cheques suggestion. Campsites in Holland tend to be good but expensive. To the best of my knowledge wild camping is illegal.

Delft is a lovely small town to walk arond. The campsite at Delftse Hout (Camping Cheques 12/05/08 to 08/07/08 - plus other dates but outside your holiday) organise free tours to the Porcelain Factory.

Buiencentrum Molengroet campsite (C Ch. again) provide a free bus to Alkmaar to see the cheese market 'act'. It's put on for the tourists but is still worth seeing.

Touring Cheques are also worth considering as some of their sites and dates differ to C Ch.

Also have a look at www.citycamp.com.

All the Dutch speak English - except the elderly lady we asked for directions!!!!!

Amsterdam of course is a must if you have the time.

Regards Cattwg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much for the helpful replies.

Can anyone tell me how long it takes to drive from Pembroke Dock to Dover as I hope to cross to Calais and also as we will be travelling In June should we book the Dover-Calais Ferry.




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Pembroke to Dover.........for us it would have to be a two day trip.


Dover to Pembroke........home is when you arrive.


Sorry, just checked and see you still have to cross the water from Pembroke so the first time span would apply (for us) both ways.


If you want to do P to D in one go I would suggest as its just under 400 miles it would take us 12 hours at my pace.


Therefore we would make it a two day journey (at least), normaly we never travel more than 150 miles in one stretch and make any journey in between very much part of the away time.


PS we are thinking of Ireland as a visit with no time plans at all, just stop and go (but we have time on our side)


As a family who live close to Gatwick and Dover we are always very consious of all those having to travel very long distances before they even start their break away.


(We can walk to Gatwick and almost cycle to Dover)



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A better alternative to Calais is to use the Norfolk Lines Dover - Dunkerque route. Not only is it closer to The Netherlands ( albeit only 20 minutes or so) they only take trucks and private vehicle, so no coaches full of booze trippers and screaming schoolkids! Also their ferries are very modern and clean.
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According to the AA route planner Pembroke to Dover is 326 miles, we do 261 miles from our home to Dover and this takes us around 5 and a half-6 hours depending on how much we stop on the way and what hold ups there are. We usually set off around 3.30/4.00 pm and either hit a chip shop or cook something up in the van (either tinned stuff in one pot, or I make a stew and we have that). We usually get there between 9 and 10 pm. We've found that going on any night other than a Friday can be very beneficial and easily knock 30 mins or more off the journey time as we're not competing with everyone else heading home for the weekend.


This year we're using the tunnel for the first time so we're going down as usual on the evening and then kipping somewhere near the chunnel and will go over on a 5.20 am ferry. We did think about going over the same night as we drive down but if we get a bad hold up on the motorway, bad weather, or whatever, we didn't want to risk missing the train, I know you get a 2 hour grace period but didn't want to risk it especially on our first foray with the train, so a morning crossing and get into France just in time to hit a boulongerie for a nice pain au chocolat!!!


As for booking your crossing, yes I would do so, wherever you're going to go from/to you'll find it cheaper to do this than just turn up.

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Libby, when we leave work and go on holiday it's a case of get down to the ferry or chunnel as fast as we can (within reason) to get our holiday started! It takes us 30-40 minutes to get from work (or home) on to the M62 then it's motorway or dual carriageway A roads nearly all the way. We do find that going at the time we do that we miss a lot of the traffic though so although an average of 50mph seems high, as we're not having to stop-start in loads of traffic we find that we don't have to put the pedal to the metal to achieve it. We did make the mistake once of setting off down to the ferry at Dover straight from work at noon, taking the afternoon off to get there early, BIG mistake, took us a lot longer to get there for no real benefit, so now we prefer the later driving time.
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