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We are motorhome virgins and have just purchased a 2003 IH Tio and so far are very happy. My lovely wife wants me to fit a TV in the very neat box provided and I have researched and think the best one is the 15" Avtex.

Unfortunately the box provided is 420mm wide and the TV is 438mm!

I could do a cut and extend but I am loath to modify what is an immaculate van until I have explored all possibilities. can anyone out there help?


Chris (?)

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Hi Chris & Nuala and welcome to the nut house! :-D


Not really sure what you want suggesting though? Do you want to know about other TVs? 8-) Or how to use a hacksaw??? :D


I assume the former, therefore what do you need from your TV, does it have to have built in DVD etc ...?

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Hi and welcome,

you could always ask IH, they used to make a big feature when he first started up - of offering individually tailored vans ? don't know if they still do - ??? - they should be able to adapt their 'box' to accommodate your box




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