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German Umwelt Zone sticker

Don Madge

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I ordered my Umwelt zone sticker by post from Stadt Koln and it arrived within ten days.


I sent a copy of page 2. "4 Registration Details" of the Registration Certificate and a five Euro note.


I down loaded the application form from




I decided that it would be easier to get the sticker in advance rather than wait until I arrived in Germany.


If you are planning to visit the Dusseldorf Show in August it might be advisable to get your sticker in advance. I'm assuming the Messepark is within the umwelt zone of course.


Safe travelling



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The Exibition Site at Düsseldorf is outside of any Umweltzone which may be legal by September.

The inner city zone as the name suggests excludes the exibition site which is on the northern edge.

In other words, if you do not intend to drive your motorhome into the city (which I would'nt recommend at the best of times) you do not need a sticker.

Hope this saves you all some time and money.

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Just returned from Germany (Dusseldorf) in my car and went to a "TUF" centre (TUF conducts MOTs on all vehicles and issues the Zone stickers). I took my motorhome registration document as well as having my car document with me in order to obtain stickers for both, but the a very friendly member of staff said that neither document carried the information required in order to issue certificates. The car is 1998 and motorhome 2005. The required info is in the form of a series of numbers (the last 2 being significant) which indicates the engine manufacturers particulate rating. there is a chart which then shows which zone the vehicle will be allowed in "RED/Green and Yellow. Which color zone where you issued with? Does your reg document carry any such info?


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Eggy - 2008-04-12 8:29 PM


Just returned from Germany (Dusseldorf) in my car and went to a "TUF" centre (TUF conducts MOTs on all vehicles and issues the Zone stickers). I took my motorhome registration document as well as having my car document with me in order to obtain stickers for both, but the a very friendly member of staff said that neither document carried the information required in order to issue certificates. The car is 1998 and motorhome 2005. The required info is in the form of a series of numbers (the last 2 being significant) which indicates the engine manufacturers particulate rating. there is a chart which then shows which zone the vehicle will be allowed in "RED/Green and Yellow. Which color zone where you issued with? Does your reg document carry any such info?



Hi Eggy,


For foreign vehicles the sticker can be issued on the registration date of the vehicle. see http://www.stadt-koeln.de/imperia/md/content/pdfdateien/pdf322/umweltzone/10.pdf





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Well I sent my 5 Euros and a whap of papers to Koln in Jan., then followed up with an email at the end of Feb., but got bupkus!


Anyway, I'm in Germany now, so went to a TUV. The fellow was very helpful - I have a US/CDN spec'd Winnebago, but it is built on a VW T4. he made a few phone calls, inspected the engine (from the pit!) and managed to find the corresponding engine code (my VIN is North American & doesn't have necessary digits).


After all that, I have no doubt my mailed in 5 euro note went towards a laugh and a couple of glasses of Kolsch!


Anyway my windshield now sports a green umwelt sticker, along with my Mexico-10-year-entry sticker and France Passion!


Frank (currently in Weimar)

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I wrote off for a sticker back in January and heard nothing, like several others thought the 5 Euros had been put into the Christmas party fund. However last week as a last resort I sent an email to the Cologne tourist information office info@koelntourismus.de explaining my problem and as if by magic the sticker arrived today.



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Thanks Don,


So its something to do with emissions in various cities. I guess we have the Green Party to thank for this improvement.


I didn't see what happens if you don't have an appropiate coloured sticker and you enter one of these zones. I assume it must be either the risk of being stopped by the cops or your photo is snapped as per the London congestion charge.


As I generally don't (unless by mistake) do cities maybe of no concern to me.


But thanks for the information.

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starvin marvin - 2008-04-16 5:40 PM


Thanks Don,


I didn't see what happens if you don't have an appropiate coloured sticker and you enter one of these zones. I assume it must be either the risk of being stopped by the cops or your photo is snapped as per the London congestion charge.


But thanks for the information.


It will cost you €40 and one penalty point on your licence every time your caught in a zone without the correct sticker, that's if you are a German resident non residents only pay the €40.



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Hi Don, that's how I read it. Shame because our plan for the May June holiday was touring Northern Germany taking in quite a few of the big towns. Would be a problem if the campsites are inside the zones. I've checked on the Berlin one and that is outside the zone. Will have to do a bit of digging for some of the others.


Campsites near big town centres will lose a fair bit of trade if all motorhomes registered before 1997 are excluded. In two or three years it looks like those registered before 2000 will be similarly excluded.


Where will it all end? I wonder if other EU countries will follow suit.



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Hi Phil,


I feel for the German motorhomers with the older vans who live inside a Umwelt Zone and are unable to use their vans. That one penalty point is a killer.


I know some towns/cities have put off enforcing the ban until later on in the year. I think the best bet would be to check with the local tourist office to check the location of the camp site/Stellplatz.


We use the Stellplatz at Trier quite a bit and that's inside the zone.



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Don Madge - 2008-04-18 8:30 AM


Hi Phil,


I feel for the German motorhomers with the older vans who live inside a Umwelt Zone and are unable to use their vans. That one penalty point is a killer.


I know some towns/cities have put off enforcing the ban until later on in the year. I think the best bet would be to check with the local tourist office to check the location of the camp site/Stellplatz.


We use the Stellplatz at Trier quite a bit and that's inside the zone.




8-) Exactly what has happened to motorhomers within the M25 *-)

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I think that it's an infringement of their civil liberties,breaking the law just for living in a certain area, and keeping/using a cherished (not new) vehicle.

More pollution is caused by the Manufacture of new vehicles.

Every Vehicle should have a MINIMUM active life of 15 years. to save the worlds resources and minimise pollution.(many motohomes do anyway,and do low mileage).

This law to stop particulate pollution by high mileage commercial vehicles is being unfairly used. VERY unfairly. >:-(

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Got my sticker at long last.  I sent an email asking what had happened to my application.  I got a reply asking for my details (which I used http://www.freetranslation.com/ to translate from German).  So I typed out the reply and used same web site to translate into German.

Green sticker arrived a few days later.

BTW - I remember the debate about which side of the windscreen to mount the sticker.  Did we ever get a definitive answer that satisfied German and UK authorities?


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Glad to hear you got your sticker at last. I'll can't put my sticker in the windscreen yet as I have a chip and I'm not sure whether it's repairable or I will need a new screen.


I spoke to a few motorhomers at the Peterborough show who tour Germany and none of them were aware of the "Umwelt Zones".


It seems only the on line forums have publicised the restrictions.


Last year I spoke to Bernice Hoare the Editor of Caravan Europe and the club have some details of the zones in Caravan Europe 2 (Germany) but I think that's about it. I'm not sure whether they have published any details in the club magazine.



There will be a lot of very unhappy motorhomers if they have to pay out €40 every time they are stopped in a zone without the correct sticker.


There's a very good explanation on MHF by PJ at http://www.motorhomefacts.com/ftopict-43830-.html




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Hi Barry.

I contacted the German tourist office and was informed that providing

the sticker was on the screen the german official,s would be happy. A friend of mine is a MOT tester at the DVLA test centre and he say,s that if

it is an official sticker then it can be placed on the right hand side of the screen , looking out. I have put mine below the wiper sweep in the bottom right hand corner. I am off next week to Germany then onwards to Croatia

so hope all is correct. Mick



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