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water to hot


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Hello we have a truma c 6002 and find the 40 deg water temp to high for the kids. in the time they have got it set at the right temp with cold water, it`s neally out of hot water.is there a way of setting the temp lower on the boiler. thanks to all that reply.
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Why not try putting the cold water on first and then adjusting with the hot. This would then save using all the hot water.


We had a problem in one of our caravans with the hot water from a Carver Cascade water heater but it turned out that it was faulty, Carver came up to see it in the UK and authorised a replacement.

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Returning to your original question, the answer is No. A Truma C6002 has only two water-heating thermostat settings - 40°C or 60°C - and you can't change these.


Assuming that the water wastage relates to showering, then it is possible to obtain thermostatic mixer-valves that control and maintain the temperature of the water feeding to the shower-head. However (as Randonneur suggests), it's going to be a lot cheaper and easier to modify your present showering methods.


If you are currently adjusting the temperature by repeatedly playing around with the shower's tap-settings, then this will get through a lot of hot water. The simplest solution would be to fit a trigger-operated shower-head that would allow you to set the water temperature initially via the taps, then switch the water-flow on and off via the shower-head.

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Can I suggest that you have the water heater looked at. The reason that I say this is because water at 40c is quite cool for most people. Baths and showers used by vunerable people in places like care homes and childrens homes are limited to a maximum of 43c and lots of people complain that that is too cold.


On the more directly practical side could you devise some means of 'stopping' the control at the max temperature that you want. Something like a hook for face flannels strategically placed fro example.

That will of course only work with single level mixer taps but there may be ways of limiting other types. Of course, as suggested, you could still just start with the cold :-D

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If you do check the water temperature your heater is producing, would you please post your finding to this forum?


Our current motorcaravan is fitted with a Truma C6002EH unit and our previous motorhome had a C3402EL. With both appliances we've normally heated the water on gas using the 40°C switch-setting, producing a water-temperature that my wife and I both consider to be overly high for comfortable showering without 'diluting' the hot water with cold.


I've never checked the actual temperature of the water leaving the heater but, as both heaters were new when fitted to the motorhomes and the type of cut-off thermostat employed is simple and reliable, I've always assumed that a too-hot-for-happy-showering water-temperature is what all C-Series units provide at the lower switch-setting. (A C3402EL or C6002EL, when heating via 230V, will provide water at a default 60°C, but that's another matter.) A forum poll might confirm this assumption, but I'm not going to bother taking one myself.


I briefly browsed the Internet looking at water scalding entries and found the following statement:


"The recommended bathing temperature for children is between 37 and 37.5°C. Bathing temperatures for adults are often higher, but rarely in excess of 43°C."


This suggests that, although 40°C water will be 'scald safe' generally, children may find it excessive. It may well be true that my wife and I could tolerate showering without suffering bodily harm at whatever water-temperature our Truma heater produces at the 40°C switch-setting. But, as neither of us have masochistic tendencies (well, I haven't and my wife's never admitted to any!), we are certainly not going to experiment. My own feeling - based on practical experience of these heaters - is that your C6002 is performing just as Truma intended. If the water's too hot for me and my wife (two adults not quite in a care home yet, but on the way), then it's hardly surprising if your children object to it.


Trigger-controlled shower-heads are available from CAK (www.caktanks.com) in chrome or white finish at a cost of around £6 (+ P&P). The threaded connection to the shower-hose is, I believe, standardised, but you'd need to check that any replacement shower-head will slot into the existing shower-head holder in your motorhome.


Should you wish to consider adding a thermostatic shower mixer, this is also available from CAK at around £85. (Interestingly, the mixer-valve has a 'child-safe' setting of 38°C.) I've always felt that offering a thermostatic control that maintained a steady and safe water temperature for a motorhome shower would be a worthwhile selling-point, but (as far as I'm aware) even top of the range motorhomes don't have one. Perhaps motorhome manufacturers believe most motorcaravanners don't use their onboard showers. And, for all I know, they may be right.


The following link isn't exactly on topic, but it may prove useful:



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Storage of hot water can cause lots of problems.In order to kill off the bugs in the water it should be stored and piped above 60'C.This temperature can cause scalding and some form of temperature reduction in showers must be provided,hence the general temp of about 40'C is normally chosen.Anything higher is risky and should be avoided.
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I think a bowl of hot water and a sponge is all you need. If you insist on showering without temp. adj. taps put a switch in line and set the shower once and switch the pump on and off if electric.Kids and motorhomes don't mix very well in my book and my grandkids know they are not welcome in mine at any time. Better yet keep the water cold and maybe they will go somewhere else on holiday.
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diky, I think you'll find that some people don't have a choice about taking their OWN kids with them.


40 degrees may seem a high 'low' temperature (you know what I mean!) and whilst we may, as adults, be able to tolerate up to 43 degrees, what you need to take into consideration is that we usually build up to this temperature. I certainly like a hot bath but I can't get straight into a hot bath, I run it cooler and get in when it is at a comfortable temperature, then gradually, once I've aclimatised, I add more hot water to reach the required temperature. Same with showers, the first time I stand under one I need to have the temperature lower, then again increase it as necessary.


Don't forget that if you have to add cold water you'll also have more shower water overall so can stay in there for longer or others can also get a shower without running out of hot water.

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Hi as a retired heating engineer I think there is something wrong with your statement, ie running out of hot water as its too hot. The hotter the water , the less you use as you add cold to bring it down to temperature,

therefore turn water to higher temp and you will use less, but make sure children are not left unatended.

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Regarding changing showering method, train the kids to conserve water.


1) wet the body & turn off shower.


2) soap up the body.


3) turn on shower & rinse off.


A tankful of water will last a lot longer this way.



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This is true, and when we go some where we can fill up with lost`s of water without moving the motor home, i put the temp to 60deg and dilute with cold this give`s me 3 gallon of hot and dilute with 3 gal of cold and have a very long shower. but we have just come back from sking in france and it was a bit of a pain going for water every day and i do like a shower when iv been skiing, so it was just a thought on water saving. if we could just use the 3gallon of hot water this would save a bit. thank`s to all that have replyed
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