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Reserving your pitch when you drive off site

Iron Mike

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Welcome to the forum....and to your new van.


I worried about reserving my pitch when I started, never a problem though. As trooper says, the usual thing is a small sign or even a number plate on pitch place .....if you are in the caravan club the wardens sell signs in the reception for about a fiver.




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We rarely move the 'van from our pitch until we're ready to leave the site completely as we tend to walk or use public transport to get around. however on the occasions when we have taken the 'van off site we've never had the occasion where we came back to find someone else on "our" pitch. Anyway if we did find someone else on "our" pitch we'd simply pick another pitch. If none were available I'd be having stern words with site management as we'd have told them at time of arrival how long we'd be staying and usually get asked to pay for it on arrival. If its a CC site then you normally inform the wardens of your pitch number so they don't let anyone else take it.



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Hi Iron Mike, Welcome to the forum, as suggested above just leave a sign home made or bought with your name and pitch taken on it, Usually when you go off site, its normal to expect to be able to leave your table and chairs , or maybe bikes chained up no need to take them with you each time your move off your pitch, you can normally judge that its safe to do so, and we have never had any trouble in 40 years of motorhoming and caravanning. Enjoy your motorhome ask questions of any queries you have thats what the forum is here for. Carol.
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Hi Iron Mike, welcome to the Forum, For many years I have been using a C.C. sign "MOTOR HOME USING THIS PITCH" with my reg; number on, actually it is my old Holdsworth Ranger number, bit out of date by three vans now, but it works. If it is a club site or a good C.L. I leave my electric hook-up cable behind as well by the hook-up point, more obvious then. See you in a field some where some time..........David.........


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trooper - 2008-04-11 9:11 PM


Hi dave, it dosnt quite work on cc sites as you said, as often you go round the site on your own, find a pitch, set up then go and tell the wardens, its a pig if its already taken,

take care.


Hi Don, on every CC site we've used it worked exactly like I said as the wardens either gave us a plan of the site and marked which pitches were available or, on smaller sites simply pointed out which pitches were available. Obviously we haven't visited every CC site in the country but I always assumed this was the way the wardens were instructed to do it and therefore the same procedure would be followed.



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Like Dave Newell I also thought that once you have taken your pitch on a CC site the wardens would simply ensure that no one else was given that pitch. However, I once stayed at the Newark site (it was actually the nearest I could get to go to the NEC show at the time) and when we got back from Birmingham, bit late, dark too, there was a caravan on the pitch! The site office was closed but we did as Dave suggested and simply found another pitch but then worried for a couple of hours in case someone else returned to find us on theirs! Next morning when I advised the warden of our 'new' pitch and explained what had happened he said that he knew they had taken someone else's but by that time they had set up the caravan and it would have been too much to move them.


Ever after I have just left a number plate held upright with an awning peg on the pitch and have never had any recurring problem.


Some people do leave other things on the pitch but a word of warning if you are new to motorhoming. First, there have been reports (when this has been discussed before) of such items 'disappearing' - even waste water receptacles that were full at the time! Second, you may see, from time to time, electric hook-up cables left on pitch but you must ensure that it is disengaged from the electric bollard as, if not, it represents a serious danger to prying little fingers as it will still be 'live' at the loose end.


Having said all that, welcome to this wonderful world of ours and may you enjoy it as much as you hope to.



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david lloyd - 2008-04-12 11:18 AM


Next morning when I advised the warden of our 'new' pitch and explained what had happened he said that he knew they had taken someone else's but by that time they had set up the caravan and it would have been too much to move them.







bet he'd've shifted you without a second thought tho! if the situation had been reversed >:-)




On the rare occasions we go out for a day in the van we leave a sign - with photo of van, number details and a note in english french n german, but only if it's a particularly good spot - good view or extra level - otherwise just take whatever is available on our return.



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Returned later in the day, and found the sign under the new arrivals caravan.


No apology, just said that the wife though he had run over something !!


You will know my pitch next time, its the sign with 6 inch nails sharp ends out,





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Hymer C 9. - 2008-04-11 10:16 PM


Usually when you go off site, its normal to expect to be able to leave your table and chairs.


Carol's idea works. I even saw it done on a French "Aire" once, a particularly good spot in the parking area (good view etc) with a table & two chairs in the middle of it!!!

Would it be racist if I said I wasn't surprised when the returning van had "D" nationality plates? (You know, all that stuff people on "normal " holidays say about towels on sunbeds?)

I was SO-O-O-O tempted, not to steal the spot myself, but just to move the furniture away so someone else would pitch there. Sometimes I'm just too darned good!


Anyway, welcome, and enjoy yourselves.

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Hi Mike

Welcome to the forum

MMM were giving away a sign for the price of postage which was a plastic motorhome of choice(CB or LP) last year which had the van plate or your names on it whichever you chose. You can just stick that in the ground in the middle of the pitch. I think the offer is finished now but if you look in the classifieds in the magazine there is a company in Dewsbury way that makes them for about £8 ish. Alternatively if your Mrs is called Jackie I have a spare one you can have FOC-let me know


Mike & Jackie

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Dave Newall has only had good experience with the CC but when I was a member I was parked at Crossways site near to Weymouth and went to the beach for the day windsurfing. On my return there was a notice on the board outside the office asking saying "message for Mr. Ord" it was to inform me that a caravan had taken my pitch. It was clear that they knew I was using the pitch and expected me to move not the caravanner. Too many caravanners just find a vacant pitch, set up and THEN inform the office and the wardens are reluctant to tell the to move, it is expected that the motorhome will move. I did buy a CC plastic sign with which to mark my pitch but it was too late by then. I am no longer a member of the CC.

Bill Ord

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Bill Ord - 2008-04-13 10:44 AM Dave Newall has only had good experience with the CC but when I was a member I was parked at Crossways site near to Weymouth and went to the beach for the day windsurfing. On my return there was a notice on the board outside the office asking saying "message for Mr. Ord" it was to inform me that a caravan had taken my pitch. It was clear that they knew I was using the pitch and expected me to move not the caravanner. Too many caravanners just find a vacant pitch, set up and THEN inform the office and the wardens are reluctant to tell the to move, it is expected that the motorhome will move. I did buy a CC plastic sign with which to mark my pitch but it was too late by then. I am no longer a member of the CC. Bill Ord

I'm sorry, but there are times when I despair of the attitude of some of my fellow motorhomers!

Every CC site that I've ever stayed on has asked me to drive around and choose my own pitch from those available. So a caravanner arrives when the office is closed for lunch and he does what he's always been asked to do. He finds a suitable empty pitch and parks his 'van, maybe puts up his awning and all the other labour-intensive stuff that caravanners have to put up with.

So some motorhomer, who hasn't had the common sense to mark his pitch when he leaves for the day returns and he expects the caravanner to take everything down and move, whilst all the motorhomer has to do is drive a few extra yards to a different pitch.

If I'd left an unmarked pitch and a caravanner had taken it, in all innocence usually, I wouldn't dream of asking him to move. I'd learn a lesson from it and spend a few quid on a 'Pitch-Reserved' sign. I always leave one of these and my pitch has never been taken.

But what is most amazing is that because of this 'slight' you seem to imply that you left the CC. Well, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

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GypsyTom - 2008-04-13 11:29 AM


I'm sorry, but there are times when I despair of the attitude of some of my fellow motorhomers!

Every CC site that I've ever stayed on has asked me to drive around and choose my own pitch from those available. So a caravanner arrives when the office is closed for lunch and he does what he's always been asked to do. He finds a suitable empty pitch and parks his 'van, maybe puts up his awning and all the other labour-intensive stuff that caravanners have to put up with.

So some motorhomer, who hasn't had the common sense to mark his pitch when he leaves for the day returns and he expects the caravanner to take everything down and move, whilst all the motorhomer has to do is drive a few extra yards to a different pitch.

If I'd left an unmarked pitch and a caravanner had taken it, in all innocence usually, I wouldn't dream of asking him to move. I'd learn a lesson from it and spend a few quid on a 'Pitch-Reserved' sign. I always leave one of these and my pitch has never been taken.

But what is most amazing is that because of this 'slight' you seem to imply that you left the CC. Well, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

1 doesn't say it happened in unmanned lunch hour - and to be honest - I've never come across a CC site that will let you into a site if the reception isn't manned - there's no telling what you might do if you've not been checked in properly2 wonder what the CC response would be to Tony's idea for using nails to fix the sign in place we left the CC because of their attitude to motorhomes - decision based on several incidents over the years - can't say I've had any reason to regret it B-)
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twooks - 2008-04-13 2:01 PM
GypsyTom - 2008-04-13 11:29 AM


I'm sorry, but there are times when I despair of the attitude of some of my fellow motorhomers!

Every CC site that I've ever stayed on has asked me to drive around and choose my own pitch from those available. So a caravanner arrives when the office is closed for lunch and he does what he's always been asked to do. He finds a suitable empty pitch and parks his 'van, maybe puts up his awning and all the other labour-intensive stuff that caravanners have to put up with.

So some motorhomer, who hasn't had the common sense to mark his pitch when he leaves for the day returns and he expects the caravanner to take everything down and move, whilst all the motorhomer has to do is drive a few extra yards to a different pitch.

If I'd left an unmarked pitch and a caravanner had taken it, in all innocence usually, I wouldn't dream of asking him to move. I'd learn a lesson from it and spend a few quid on a 'Pitch-Reserved' sign. I always leave one of these and my pitch has never been taken.

But what is most amazing is that because of this 'slight' you seem to imply that you left the CC. Well, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

1 doesn't say it happened in unmanned lunch hour - and to be honest - I've never come across a CC site that will let you into a site if the reception isn't manned - there's no telling what you might do if you've not been checked in properly2 wonder what the CC response would be to Tony's idea for using nails to fix the sign in place we left the CC because of their attitude to motorhomes - decision based on several incidents over the years - can't say I've had any reason to regret it B-)
I to despair with this attitude and agree with previous post. I have never had a problem if I left a sign. Quite a few C.C. sites let you book in when office is closed, they usually have their own system to show you which pitches are vacant. As to attitude to motorhomes have never come across this either, could it be that certain motorhome owners have the wrong attitude to caravans.
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[\QUOTE]  I to despair with this attitude and agree with previous post. I have never had a problem if I left a sign. Quite a few C.C. sites let you book in when office is closed, they usually have their own system to show you which pitches are vacant. As to attitude to motorhomes have never come across this either, could it be that certain motorhome owners have the wrong attitude to caravans.[\QUOTE]

I've been to certain CC sites, where obviously we were not "Regulars", again we were told to just drive around & find a pitch, then inform the site manager which site we ahd taken. Driving around, we found a nice pitch that we would of liked to use, but were totally amazed that there was a 4x4 parked on the pitch. When we enquired, we were told that they were reserving the pitch for their friends,& looked rather indignant that we wanted to have this particular pitch. Needless to say we found another pitch.!!

Still a member of the CC, but find certain attitudes hard to understand. Some people think that the CC is still for Caravaners only.


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Thai Bry - 2008-04-13 4:55 PMI've been to certain CC sites, where obviously we were not "Regulars", again we were told to just drive around & find a pitch, then inform the site manager which site we ahd taken. Driving around, we found a nice pitch that we would of liked to use, but were totally amazed that there was a 4x4 parked on the pitch. When we enquired, we were told that they were reserving the pitch for their friends,& looked rather indignant that we wanted to have this particular pitch. Needless to say we found another pitch.!!

Still a member of the CC, but find certain attitudes hard to understand. Some people think that the CC is still for Caravaners only.


Have to say our experience has been the same as Gypsy Toms and Rupert123's we have never experienced any animosity from the Caravan Club 'officals' or from other caravanners, quite the opposite. We too have always been asked to drive round and find a pitch as Dave has said, after normally being given a 'map' showing the unavailable pitches, and let them know as soon as we have decided which we want.We always leave a sign out, a standard Caravan Club green one cost I think about £2.50, should we temporary vacate the pitch and this has been fine we normally attatch it to the numbered marker peg so there can be no reason for others not to see it.Thai's problem with the parked 4x4, which I don't think is neccesarily bad attitude, I can see both sides as it is nice to be with friends sometimes when you are on site and whilst the 'reserving' of pitches is not allowed within the rules I can understand someone wishing to do this. You do have the option to insist on using the vacant pitch and I am quite sure the site warden would back you on this, but isn't it much nicer to allow friends to be together and do your own thing on another pitch, surely that is the friendly and reasonable thing to do isn't it?I believe that the notion of a motorhomer/ caravanner them and us situation resembles a sort of inverted snobery in that certain motorhomers seem to believe that they have a more valuble asset so are entitled to more and behave in a 'superior' fashion. That has been my experience in that I have only found other motorhomers to be a bit 'off' at times.Bas
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In the days when I was a Shed Tugger there was, obviously, no need to leave a "Pitch Reserved" sign.

However, I did become aware that many fellow campers were certainly getting very wound up, claiming that the signs were rude, offensive, cheeky etc etc.  Also, even being pulled out of the ground and chucked into the bushes.

Later, becoming a motorhomer myself, I soon saw the need to use something to reserve my pitch.

I gave this problem some thought and eventually decided to still make use of a sign, but bearing the following :- 

                                     YOUR REG No.



To this date I have always found my sign still in position on my return.


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We've had problems in Italy ona couple of occasions, having left a table & 2 chairs on the pitch and returned to find it occupied by a complete Italian caravan set up for 3 weeks complete with washing machine in the awning. Our table and chairs were neatly stored round the back of the caravan all folded up. The campsite office said they'd thought we'd left without paying. I offered to do that the following day but he got a bit upset!


We now use a piece of green ground sheet (the sort that lets the light and grass thro) as a large doormat (about 6ft x 4ft or 2m x 1.3m) and I've spray stencilled in yellow the registration no, an outline of a camper and reserved in English, French and Italian. The sheet is usually the first thing to come out of the van when we stop as its its a useful shoe mat etc to keep the dust, grass etc out of the van.


But no doubt we'll return to find someone parked over it one of these days


cheers alan

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We've used CC sites many times over the years and have found:


- If the wardens are there they usually tell you to drive round to find a pitch. Some do give you a map showing which ones are free, others do the opposite and mark which ones you should not occupy (usually due to them being out of action for maintenance etc), and others just don't give you anything.


- Sometimes you can go round (usually on foot) and find a pitch and by the time you've got back to the office you'll find that the person in front of you has just signed up for it so we always make a point of having a second option just in case.


- If the wardens aren't there (which is sometimes the case on the smaller volunteer or part-time attendant sites), or if it is after their normal closing time, there is usually a peg board outside showing which pitches are still available. You just then go round, choose your pitch and remove the peg from the relevant hole on the board, then when the wardens are back you go and sign in.


- We don't leave anything worth 'owning' on our pitches, we've left steps, buckets, etc before today and come back to find someones nicked them. Another reason for not leaving anything of value is that if you break down or have to go home unexpectedly, you then don't have to go back to the site to collect your valuables, you can easily ring them to arrange to pay the bill later but if you're 20 miles away you really don't want to have to return for your table, chairs etc. We learnt this the hard way, we had a converted ambulance and the clutch plate spring thingy went, we had to limp back to the campsite to collect our freestanding awning and other bits and pieces before we could go home - this added another 20 miles to the journey and, as we only then had 3rd gear to play with, made it very interesting indeed especially driving home in the dark and through horrendous road works, trying desparately not to rear-end the cars in front!!!


- We have a couple of the motorhome shaped reservation signs with our names on rather than a registration number, then if we change the van we don't have to pratt around getting new signs - we have a couple because then we have a spare in case one gets damaged ... or nicked!


- We've experience the people on sites reserving a pitch for family, we didn't realise at the time what they were doing, we though it was that a motorhome had gone out for the day and left their chattels behind, otherwise we would've got them to move them off the 'spare' pitch so we could take it as we ended up with a horrible one on a slope. I take the point about friends being able to camp next to each other but if that's the case they shouldn't block the best pitches, only leaving the grotty ones - not fair when someone has arrived at the site early to get a good pitch.


- I did hear once of the suggestion to have a large fake 'dog poo' to place slap bang in the middle of your pitch, that way you are guaranteed that it would still be available when you got back ... :D


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Being a trusting sort of chap we tend to leave our windbreak, table, chairs & electric hook-up cable plus levelling ramps exactly were they lay. To date they have never been moved or touched so we continue to follow our 'old established practice'!!! But, as I always say, do what you feel happy with!
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Our first experience of a French site by a Lake a few years ago made us realise it doesn't matter where you pitch really. We had been given a pitch number overlooking the lake and duly trailed down to it, only to find a caravan was set up there. Turned out the "problem" had started 3/4 pitches along when somebody "took" the wrong one and it had a domino effect. I was tired and not too amused until my husband pointed out that all the pitches overlooking the lake were under pine trees and he had spotted resin like drops on 2 or 3 caravans whilst we were speaking to the caravaners.


We found another pitch, informed the office of the change of number and enjoyed a really great stay - exchanging pleasantries with the "pitch pinchers" whenever we met them on site. It is one of the many advantages of using a motorhome - able to just drive a few yards further really easily.


As we tow a car, on a trailer we leave our MH to mark our pitch.... *-)

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