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water purifier


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we did have one in our previous mh. (it suffered from plastic tasting water) the purifier was recomended, and did a good job. still used bottle water ,more through-- thats the way we've always done it --.. so yes i would highly recomend it.
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Perhaps worth mentioning that (for leisure-vehicle applications) the "Nature Pure" product is basically intended for water-systems using a pressure-sensitive water pump.


For motorhome water-systems where the water pump is triggered by micro-switches on the taps, you'll either need to add a dedicated switch for the water purifier, or (if you can get away with it) open an existing tap slightly (so that its micro-switch triggers the water pump) when you turn on the water purifier's tap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We fitted the Nature Pure filter in the washroom before a trip to Morocco. It dealt with some interesting samples of liquids masquerading as drinking water available on some of the sites we visited. The water that comes out of the tap tastes as water should, I can give no higher praise than that.


One real advantage has become obvious since our return to UK. Since we use the filtered water for drinking, filling kettleand/or pans for vegetables, cleaning teeth etc, we are using less water!! I believe that since the flow rate through the filter is lower than that through the ordinary taps, we waste much less.


In addition, my other half reckons that the water from the filter is cooler than the water from the other taps.


In Morocco we dealt with dodgy water by using Tristel Fusion to purify the water as it went into the tank, and then flushed through with clean water when we got back to civilisation.


Hope this helps



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In case of interest. For a variety of reasons - not wanting to put a hole in the worktop/split pipes/to maximise portability and fexibility and especially the very high ability to remove parasitic cysts, bacteria, viruses, chemicals of all types, taints and odours, I opted for the stand-alone General Ecology First Need Deluxe HB110 filter kit when I researched the market last year. 10 months since purchase I am still delighted with it.


It works by filtering just the drinking/veg washing/cooking/teeth brushing water from the van's tank as and when we need it. I fill Zig bottles and keep them in the 'fridge. This suits us travelling solo or two up but would be a chore for a family.


It has the great advantage (for me) that it can be used on non-motorhome trips at home or abroad. In an (unlikely) emergency it is claimed to be able to render even pond or ditch water safe to drink.


Current cost is £116.99 from travelwithcare.com, which includes a replacement cartridge. (My original cartridge is still fine after 68 nights away in the van and the supplied test kit allows me to check it's performance regularly.)



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