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Mmm... why thread pulled?

Guest JudgeMental

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rupert123 - 2008-04-16 10:58 PM

This is just one of idiot remarks on this thread. Do none of you people ever read other forums, if you had followed this, before making daft comments, you would see that although, yes, the person concerned had a problem with a door. Swift never had a spare in stock so made a tempory repair to his door and offered to put things right with new door. Dealer also tried but this guy just kept on shouting and never gave them a chance. He was asked several times why he did not go back to get it fixed but never answered and when thread was pulled for constant abuse he had still not responded. How can dealers and manufacturers correct problems if never given a chance?


It is best to ignore Rupert as he is just a very unpleasant person with no original contributions to help anyone else and nothing constructive to say.


Sadly he only seems capable of starting every posting by insulting another member and perhaps the Moderators would care to have a quiet word in his ear please?


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Tracker - 2008-04-17 9:34 AM


It is best to ignore Rupert as he is just a very unpleasant person with no original contributions to help anyone else and nothing constructive to say.


Sadly he only seems capable of starting every posting by insulting another member and perhaps the Moderators would care to have a quiet word in his ear please?


Whilst I may agree with the sentiments of your post Tracker and not taking sides as there are always two sides to a story.

My understanding, from a third party because as rupert rightly says I don't frequent the 'other' forum, of the situation is pretty much as rupert has said. The guy would have got a lot further if he had listened, accepted an apology and the promise to have the door changed for a new one (i.e. there was a temporary repair done, I would imagine to try to placate an aggressive customer) when it was delivered from the GERMAN manufacturer as well as immediate remedy for the other defects, this by the manufacturer (offered on two occasions by the way) not the dealer who may not have done as he should. Without excusing the dealer if anyone is being intimidated and harrassed it does not bode well for a good relationship anyway.



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michele - 2008-04-16 8:34 PM



please give the link i have looked and can only see an RV .


Hi Michelle


You should find it here:-





Hi bas


Yes - maybe he could have been more patient but this misses the real point he is making - should all this be expected on a £40,000 motorhome? A point that has been made repeatedly on this and other forums, in magazines and so on. My view is that a 'good' dealer/manufacturer is distinguised from a 'bad' one not just by the quality of the goods they sell but by the way they handle problems if and when they occur.


None of this excuses the behaviour of Rupert.


Regards, David


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Basil - 2008-04-17 10:49 AM


Tracker - 2008-04-17 9:34 AM


It is best to ignore Rupert as he is just a very unpleasant person with no original contributions to help anyone else and nothing constructive to say.


Sadly he only seems capable of starting every posting by insulting another member and perhaps the Moderators would care to have a quiet word in his ear please?


Whilst I may agree with the sentiments of your post Tracker and not taking sides as there are always two sides to a story.

My understanding, from a third party because as rupert rightly says I don't frequent the 'other' forum, of the situation is pretty much as rupert has said. The guy would have got a lot further if he had listened, accepted an apology and the promise to have the door changed for a new one (i.e. there was a temporary repair done, I would imagine to try to placate an aggressive customer) when it was delivered from the GERMAN manufacturer as well as immediate remedy for the other defects, this by the manufacturer (offered on two occasions by the way) not the dealer who may not have done as he should. Without excusing the dealer if anyone is being intimidated and harrassed it does not bode well for a good relationship anyway.




Agreed basil, my whole point being that it is the argument or theory that should be challenged, but without recourse to personally attacking the original poster of the article being challenged.


All that achieves is a loss of credibility and a dilution of any credible counter theory or opinion - as well as boring the non protagonists.



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It is best to ignore Rupert as he is just a very unpleasant person with no original contributions to help anyone else and nothing constructive to say.


Sadly he only seems capable of starting every posting by insulting another member and perhaps the Moderators would care to have a quiet word in his ear please?


Oh Dear! I seem to have upset one of the forums 'guru,s', sorry about that. If you think this is insulting Mr Tracker then you must indeed have lead a very sheltered life. However no real wish to insult anyone just to make a strong point, thought this was one of the reasons for discussion. If you do not want something discussed why post on a public forum. I note you do not seem to think calling me a very unpleasant person is not insulting. Sorry again about making a point will try to avoid in the future.

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I have also seen this thread and his posting on You Tube. Originally he did have some sympathy from me,but as the thread went on the tone became more agressive. Help was offered and refused as he continued to rant. He DID have a problem with the vehicle and supplying dealer but there was certainly no subtly in his manner of complaining.

Also he expected an inertia seat belt to hold a baby seat, if he had been that concerned for his childs safety he should have asked for a fixed belt insatllation.

There is complaing and COMPLAINING!

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Guest Tracker

The first rules of complaining are to be polite, smile and try and get them on your side.


You are much more likely to get a sympathetic hearing and support from someone who likes you, can see your side of the story and who has not been shouted at, insulted or provoked without just cause.


Apart from that life is much more pleasant when people smile at each other and a duff van is bad enough without ranting at the one person who can help you.

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2008-04-17 1:40 PM


The first rules of complaining are to be polite, smile and try and get them on your side.


You are much more likely to get a sympathetic hearing and support from someone who likes you, can see your side of the story and who has not been shouted at, insulted or provoked without just cause.


Apart from that life is much more pleasant when people smile at each other and a duff van is bad enough without ranting at the one person who can help you.


Shall we leave it there chaps on a sensible note before this descends into more he said - you said bickering *-)



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