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Le Voyegeur..first class service.


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We ordered our new 9 series LE Voyager for delivery July. (placed order Nov 2007) . We arranged to meet myriam and the designer 9am fri 11th April. we went via the tunnel thursday on the 19.20 crossig and arrived 21.00 ish french time. WE are frequent users, the cost being £39 each way +£9 for mh's. Arrived at the factory 3.30 am and parked up. 9am slugishly made our way over to reception and met the translater myriam. she arranged for a couple of minor faults to be rectified quickly and excelently. We discussed our needs, so have the rear of our present mh and the L shaped lounge. All non standard and a 1 off. kitchen reshaped, 2009 designs (wife chose carpet col' for the 2009 collection). I also wanted to f it efoy1600, 1000w inverter and microwave. All i wanted is for them to hide the wires, but was pleased that they offered to fit them all (foc). WE both found the service to be of the highest standard. factory tour very informitive. this very old fashioned service at its best............... B-)
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