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Fuel and cards in France

Tony Jones

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A throw-away remark in Panagah's thread about Millau reminded me to report back:


For years, I've avoided automated fuel pumps in France, because our UK Credit Cards wouldn't work in them - and for once it was the FRENCH who were out of step with the rest of Europe, using a different, and incompatible, version of Chip&Pin technology. Year after year attendants and managers have been telling me "next year we'll be coming into line!"


However, I was caught short during our recent trip, and in desperation trundled into the 24/7 Station Service. To my surprise and delight, the machine readily accepted my card, and sent me on my way rejoicing, with an almost-full tank (the pump,like many UK ones, had a cash limit per transaction).


Have the French finally joined Europe? What experiences have others had this year?



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Three weeks ago on my return from Spain through France I found most supermarkets accepted my card at the pump and several had new installations that had a choice of language also; next on my wish list is for the aires that use cards to join the club.


Bill Ord

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I don't think supermarkets are too much of a problem, it's the automated card in pump machines especially when the service station is shut that is the issue.
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We couldn't use our card at an Esso fully automated filling station in March, shame really because the fuel was much cheaper.


A couple of years ago we were caught out , finding no ordinary filling statoins somewhere between Caen and Tours we sat and waited at a supermarket filling station until someone arrived and they very kindly used their card to fill us up and we paid them in cash.

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Our experience is that ours have never worked at the 24/7 unmanned pumps. Even when desperate fo fuel on a Sunday and attempting to use the card. You never know things may have changed since February. The throwaway remark was the actual point of the last thread I started :-D (lol) Tony.
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Hi, Just got back yesterday, used our Nationwide credit card in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany and only once did he go inside to pay and that was Germany, not sure why he did, she was probably better looking than the rest!! No problems at any of them and 4 of them where the 24hr kind, maybe we where just lucky.



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Mandy&Andy - 2008-04-21 6:15 AM Hi, Just got back yesterday, used our Nationwide credit card in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany and only once did he go inside to pay and that was Germany, not sure why he did, she was probably better looking than the rest!! No problems at any of them and 4 of them where the 24hr kind, maybe we where just lucky. Mandy

Is that Nationwide Credit or Debit card? 

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