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The g/km carbon emmision myth & Road Tax


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As a fervent disbeliever in any government global warming myths I offer the following.


I recently read that vehicles producing over 226 g/km are being charged £400 annual tax, whereas those producing half as many g/km will be charged £120 annual tax.


The object being to persuade us to use the less pollutant (so called) vehicles.


This will result in smaller vehicles producing more pollutant by being used more often!!





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Many will asume because the vehicle is so called better at environmental issues they will be entitled to use it more often "knowing with pleasure" that they are not 'spoiling the atmosphere'


As an example many families are two vehicle owners. A family run about and a works or company car, a van or motorhome.


"We'll use the small car today as its more friendly" (no way)





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what a load of rubbish............



Money talks on these matters. We have a fabia which gets 50mpg (measured several times, not off the computer). I think its £100 tax. We use it no more now than the car before.


If it wasnt for the tax and the mpg (ie the money payed to run the thing) we would just get a 4L 4x4, as they were some cracking deals on them




Now, i dont care about the global warming argument, what i care about is not wasting resource, and having reasonable air.


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