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I can see where you are coming from but let me get this right




What use is picketing a place where there is no one working because they are going on strike


Or have I got it wrong again, I know that I had a phone call from my Glasgow depot today informing me that my drivers are only being allowed £100 worth of fuel from shell garages (Shell fuel cards). In my eye £100 = 20 gallon if I am very lucky and @ 7 mpg from a 44 tone vehicle my guy's are not going very far



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Like us all I guess I am fed up with being taken for a mug with these fuel prices. We know that no one will actually run out, some will always be found. So where is the justification for the price hike. Shell here is £1.20.7 per litre, come on!

I had this mental immage of the message it would send via the media if the whole encampment at Peterborough at the close of play just drove to Grangemouth and set up camp there for a couple of days - just to make the point that is.


What confounds me even more are the French lorry drivers. What deal have they struck with the French government?, their diesel is now the same price as ours (it was last week when I filled up in Auchan Calais.

It used to be soooo much cheaper.


Last rant, how come our financial dire straits are blamed on "world prices"?

If that were true the exchange rate between the GBP and the EURO would still be around 1.47 and not 1.2. Now tell me who has cocked up the British economy.


Sorry, just come back from mother-in-laws 93rd birthday bash at the local Indian, I can push her there in her wheel chair and after a bottle of wine or three run back home with her!




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Clive - 2008-04-22 9:31 PM


Like us all I guess I am fed up with being taken for a mug with these fuel prices. We know that no one will actually run out, some will always be found. So where is the justification for the price hike. Shell here is £1.20.7 per litre, come on!

I had this mental immage of the message it would send via the media if the whole encampment at Peterborough at the close of play just drove to Grangemouth and set up camp there for a couple of days - just to make the point that is.


What confounds me even more are the French lorry drivers. What deal have they struck with the French government?, their diesel is now the same price as ours (it was last week when I filled up in Auchan Calais.

It used to be soooo much cheaper.


Last rant, how come our financial dire straits are blamed on "world prices"?

If that were true the exchange rate between the GBP and the EURO would still be around 1.47 and not 1.2. Now tell me who has cocked up the British economy.


Sorry, just come back from mother-in-laws 93rd birthday bash at the local Indian, I can push her there in her wheel chair and after a bottle of wine or three run back home with her!




Earth to rebel leader, Im right behind you Clive look in your reversing camera. :-D >:-)


But can I have a drink first?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi would it not be better if the goverment stoped to think and reduced the tax on a ltr of fuel, everything would be cheaper as transport would benifit ,because if you or i fill our tanks with 60 litres of deisel at a cost of £70+ the greedy gordon brown gets approx £48+and if the oil companys can make over £3million profit a month from whats left, what is the gov doing whit the money certainly not spending it on roads etc i think brown should be chucked out as he was handed the job on a plate and we vote in some one who knows how the public in general feel
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