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Hymer UK


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As a new member i have been out of the loop for two years now having due to circumstances change to caravan.I was shocked to see your comments , to me having had 4 Hymers 2 Bessacars , Brownhills and Preston were a regular stop off on routes to the north. To me its like Rolls Royce saga never thought it could happen , welcom to the real life i suppose.
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Copied from post I made on dealers thread

"Now here's an interesting one, was at Brownhill's pitch at Peterborough today, had a long hard look at La Strada Regent, when saleman was asked why it was marked down by £10,000, wasn't told it was because they were in administration and they need to clear stock"

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Just had conversation with a friend who has a stand at Peterborough show.

I can confirm that Brownhills has been bought out by a "Management" buyout. A press release is due out on Wednesday next week re trading of the company.

The main concerns would be how the smaller companies who traded with Brownhills are to recover any outstanding bills. The main concern for the customer would be who takes care of the warranty work that would be due on new purchases.

I hope all will become clear in the next few days.


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donna miller - 2008-04-26 4:43 PM If they wern't so offish and patronising towards those of us who imported our own vans, and very often refusing to help, then maybe it wouldn't have come to this. This said, I do feel sorry for those who may have lost their jobs.

This must be the most amusing thing that I've ever read on this site, and that's saying something.

Hymer must now realise of course that if it had spent more time encouraging people to import their own 'van by being especially nice to them, that it would not have gone bust!

That's the way to stay in business folks - encourage those who completely cut you out and then want the same level of service as those who actually spent money with you and you'll prosper. Every motorhome retailer should encourage everyone to import their own and that way they'll guarantee that their business prospers!

Nice to know that the level of business acumen amongst Out and About subscribers is as sparkling as ever!

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We may not know whether Hymer UK, or more likely the Brownhills Group, has gone bust until we recieve public information. Going bust suggests that the company or group has gone into liquidation from where there is no return, a Receiver may have been appointed (usually at the request of a debenture holder which means the company can trade on for at least a while, or the company/group may have filed for adminsitration - most likely if the underlying business is sound and they just over stretched themselves on cash flow. A company in adminstration can trade on subject to a plan.


The Court will appoint an Administrator who is a licensed insolvency practitioner ("an IP") to represent the interests of creditors and shareholders in working with the company to develop a plan of reorganisation to get out of debt. A proposal is made to the creditors by the company.


Adminstration means a plan is developed by the company in conjunction with the Insolvency Practitioner in order to achieve one of the four aims for which an Administration Order can be made by the Court. The proposal must be presented to a meeting of creditors who may vote upon the proposal. A simple majority is all that is needed to accept the proposals.


Football clubs seem to do it all the time!


As for dealing with customers who buy their vans elsewhere and expect service from Hymer UK, there are two generally accepted business models. When you can control the market, it makes sense to control where your customers get service from. This is enforcing a monopoly situation. In a competitive and open market, this approach is doomed to failure in the long term. Customers will seek out alternative suppliers and as these grow, the monopoly is destroyed. In this instance, Hymer UK or whoever would be best served by opening up to all Hymer (and perhaps other brands) irrespective of where people bought their motorhome. This approach means they would have to compete on price and service (I think Hymer UK would be able to) but their source of profit will change. There is a high risk as a company changes from one model to another but this risk is less than the inevitability of failing if they do not change. Examples of firms who have had their monopoly broken and have survived include BT and British Gas.

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RupertGS - 2008-04-26 10:49 PM
donna miller - 2008-04-26 4:43 PM If they wern't so offish and patronising towards those of us who imported our own vans, and very often refusing to help, then maybe it wouldn't have come to this. This said, I do feel sorry for those who may have lost their jobs.

This must be the most amusing thing that I've ever read on this site, and that's saying something.

Hymer must now realise of course that if it had spent more time encouraging people to import their own 'van by being especially nice to them, that it would not have gone bust!

That's the way to stay in business folks - encourage those who completely cut you out and then want the same level of service as those who actually spent money with you and you'll prosper. Every motorhome retailer should encourage everyone to import their own and that way they'll guarantee that their business prospers!

Nice to know that the level of business acumen amongst Out and About subscribers is as sparkling as ever!

Rupert, You really go out of your way to get peoples back up don't you, regardless of the content of the thread, you are there with your snidy remarks. Out of 30 odd posts, I cant find a helpfull or productive one.For your information,The thread is about Hymer UK, not Hymer. I was refering to the fact that Hymer UK, for some bizzare reason, didn't want to service vans that they hadn't personally imported, or even sell you parts. Now you might live in a little dream world where everything is ideal, but here is the reality, every business needs customers, and to turn custom away because the customer didn't buy the van from you (because it was £10-15k dearer), is a sure way down a slippery slope. British dealers could learn a lot from their German counterparts regarding attitude and customer relations, having bought from both, I would go over to Germany every time. Why would I want to pay £42k for the Hymer I wanted, from Hymer UK, when the very same van (except it had lower mileage, full service history and a host of extras), would cost me 40k Euros from a German dealer. The German dealer drove to Dusseldorf airport to pick me up, arranged a hotel for the night, had a full Fiat service carried out at a Fiat dealer, changed the cam belt,pulleys and bearings and then fitted a bike rack all at no cost to me. Hymer UK wanted to charge me for the cambelt change, told me they were not responsibility for my travel arrangements, and couldn't even advise me of train and bus timetables.So Rupert, I stand by my statement. Maybe if you took the time to research the above company and their appaling record, instead of trying to make me look foolish with your sarcasm, then you would endear yourself to more folks.Let's hope that if the reports are true, and there has been a management buy-out, that they learn from the mistakes of their predessessors(?). A service will earn the company £300.00 regardless of the origin of the vehicle, as will the cost of any spares sold to a potential customer. Their excuses that imported vehicles being LHD are different, is hogwash, the base vehicle is still a Fiat.
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Guest JudgeMental

Donna, save your breath........


Best thing to do is to ignore comments like these - by responding you are only encouraging them.

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It is an open market, if you can import rather than pay main dealer prices that is showing good business acumen. It is small minded people that would knock the personal importers for getting more for their money.

If all the threads are correct about bad service at Brownhills, which is run by the current management, why would a management buyout make it all better?

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donna miller - 2008-04-27 12:50 PM Water off a ducks back Judge, but you are right. B-) :-> Just thought I'd add my experiences with Hymer UK / Brownhills to give people an insight to every side of the story.


Like Judgemental(Eddie) has stated. Ignore the person, don't let him get under your skin.

I've seen 1st hand when a owner turned up at Hymer UK with a van that they had bought through "Edge Hill" asking for help. The response was, "take it to our service department, but you'll have at least a 3 month wait. serves you right from buying elsewhere".

Anywhere else in Europe they would of gladly been of service, so they could retain your future custom.


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Hi all


I hesitate to become between friends when the knives are out but basically it seems like six on one and half a dozen of the other. Ok so Hymer Uk were a bit obnoxious to people who didn't buy directly from them and perhaps they were a bit short sited giving preferential treatment to those who did buy from them. I don't know but I am sure that those who have been delt a bad hand will be the first to crow and complain. However remember that Hymer Uk were part of the Brownhills group and as such had to toe the party line. I for one have always found them (hymer uk) quite friendly and helpful. The people who work there have helped me out of one or two fixes over the years especially the parts department and service engineers. They are just the guys earning a crust and they do their best. We live in Southampton a long way away from 'Preston North End' and the service has been very good. Yes I did buy my second hand Hymer from them. Yes they did give me a good trade in on my Autotrail and it was all done over the phone. They did everything they promised and more!


Oh by the way how long before Marquis goes their capital loans must be equally large looking at their development plans?


I have a feeling that there are going to be more companies who will have to go through this process as to my mind there are too many sales outlets, too many marques, too many manufacturers and too many importers. The exponential growth in motorhome sales cannot continue and like the car industry our little world of travelling is going to suffer a painful dose of realism in the next couple of years.



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