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Julian Clary


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Why was he chosen for Peterborough. Next time who ever books the entertainers? maybe they can book someone who at least has an act.


Suppose it is our fault for going but at least 2000 others were there so has anyone any comments.


At least the sun is shining this morning, just going to see how Brownhills are doing.


Sooty 10

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Slightly off topic Sooty, but first time I saw Julian Cleary on tv I wished I was thirty years younger.... I thought he was really good looking..... but that's the story of my life ....... anyone I've ever fancied has turned out to be gay, basards or already married :'(


Sorry to digress a little. Joy

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He can't be any worse than all the country & western acts that so many shows book. I noticed the Gt. Western Show advert yesterday and all the enterainment acts have a C&W theme. I can't think of anything more likely to make me want to plug myself into the hook up cable than an entire week end of line dancing and country music!


I wasn't going to the show but thought I'd have a moan anyway!


Time to move them doggies out pardners, yeehah! :-D

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Tomo3090 - 2008-04-28 6:21 PM


He can't be any worse than all the country & western acts that so many shows book.

I'd prefer C & W any day to Julian Clary....how unfunny was he?? 8-)


On a positive note, The Ivy League on Sunday night were absolutely terrific IMHO....true professionals, very quick humour, a great mix of their own songs and loads of great Cover Versions from the '60s up to recent Pop / Rock hits, with a top notch Soundman on the mixing desk too, once he'd tamed the room acoustics a bit.

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Speaking purely from a personal point of view the organisers couldn't have paid me to go to see Julian Clary, he's just not funny in my opinion. There are obviously others who do/did find him entertaining though and good for them.


There is a very good reason for the C&W themed musical entertainment at Malvern, its because its billed as the "WESTERN" show :-) . At the end of the day you don't have to go to the entertainment, do you?



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