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Double shock at Peterborough Show!


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I was sitting in my van in the Peterborough show car park on Sunday when I heard the sound of gushing water, having checked the van over I discovered next door had opened their waste tank and was emptying on the shingle, they drove off with waste water still gushing out onto the road. I was so shocked that someone would do this that I drove off leaving my step and mat outside the door, Doh! I followed the water trail off site and round 2 roundabouts before it finally stopped.


I don't suppose anyone spotted a fiamma step and a green mat in a blue plastic bad looking lonely on Sunday?


Enjoyed the show although Taylormade had run out of bike covers :-(




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I kept all the Black and grey waste in the tank until sunday, when we were near full. I bought a waste carrier £15 to empty the tank and march it to the upside down cut off cone, 6 times. My MH is an RV, were there any waste points for these vans?

It was my first visit to a show like this, surley the amount of money changing hands for these events would encourage better facilities.

However, there is no excuse for this kind of behaviour.

Will the organisers consider this for next year.

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Well I would just like to thank the inconsiderate dog owner that allowed it to drop a nice turd where my son could walk straight through it.


Well done, you done yourself really proud. I spent ages cleaning my sons trainers,



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Why do people have to take dogs to these events they should be banned  its the dogs I feel sorry for being dragged around getting their feet trod on by other people who do not always see them whilst looking at the trade stands. A lot of the dogs I saw on Saturday were looking a bit hot and bothered and I did not see any drinking bowls for them either but then again perhaps its the owners that should be banned if they cannot clean the mess up and as for dumping waste on site this practice should carry a ban as well .

I bet these comments will cause a stir still its a free world and we are all allowed to air our views .

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Some people are just inconsiderate - full stop.


We have dogs but always pick up.


Our dogs are always on leads on site as that is what the rules say.


But on our site (seasonal pitch) I regularly come across dog poo. I also know that a guy on an adjacent pitch just lets his dog out last thing at night. I know this because I came across it when taking our two out last thing at night - on leads.


The owner of the other dog could be see standing behind his awning having a fag.


It is bloody annoying - but even more annoying when you are responsible and some ignorant sod causes me grief because I am sure that some people just assumed it was me that did not clear up.


Interestingly the chap is moving to another site as he told us that he had a bit of a falling out with the Site manager. So perhaps there is a bit of pooetic justice out there.


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"Grey" water disposal is a bit of a "grey" area :-)


I use a lot of farm sites and wild camp abroad.


On farm sites I am usually told to "water the hedgerow" and this is, to my mind, a reasonable thing to do, after all everything including the washing up liquid is biodegradable, and the field mice seem to enjoy the food particles, there are never any left in the morning!


When wild camping disposal on a bit of rough ground is the norm, sometimes I use a proper dump site but these are few and far between in Spain.


As regards dog poo, I have sensors fitted to my camper which allow me to know when there is something outside near my camper. When I get an alert is is always a dog loosed for an hour or so to do as it pleases.


Would it be cruel to leave a small piece of Exlax chocolate as a present for these canine visitors?



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Exlax is a brilliant idea especially if the dog is left alone in the motorhome or caravn , years ago a chap who my mate worked with never brought any packup but used to cadge food off the other chaps so my mates wife made some fancy cakes and covered them with Exlax that kept the chap busy all afternoon but not doing any work.
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Why blame or punish the dogs, it's the owners who want banning. Take the dogs to the field and/or pick up. Think of your dog being dragged around all day, when all it really wants to do is run about a bit, sleep, eat and drink. (?)
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Just maybe the water problem at Peterborough would not have happened if the organizers had provided better facilities to empty grey water. I don't think I have been on a rally anywhere else and been asked to take my grey water home to dispose of. I also am sure that quite a few vans will not have enough capacity for 4 nights camping, especially when the showers were so far away from most pitches.


Even then It is not good to shower the road on leaving and it certainly was not not me or any of our team.


We are now on a haven site, all singing and dancing, good shower block overlooking a fishing lake. £3.50 a night including electric. Bargain.


Have fun Sooty10

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benimar - 2008-04-29 6:25 PM


Where is the site please!


The site is a haven site at Mabelthorpe golden sands, just look on the website. We are off to thorpe park next but as it is over the bank holiday we are paying about £60 for 6 nights on a euro pitch.


Last September we went to lakeland for £4 a night, inc electric.


Have fun Sooty10

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kelly58 - 2008-04-29 8:59 AM

Why do people have to take dogs to these events they should be banned  its the dogs I feel sorry for being dragged around getting their feet trod on by other people who do not always see them whilst looking at the trade stands. A lot of the dogs I saw on Saturday were looking a bit hot and bothered and I did not see any drinking bowls for them either but then again perhaps its the owners that should be banned if they cannot clean the mess up and as for dumping waste on site this practice should carry a ban as well .

I bet these comments will cause a stir still its a free world and we are all allowed to air our views .

Thanks for that Kelvyn! :-S Perhaps I might be permitted to put my side of the scenario? I am one of the doggie members of the Bucknell family, Romy, my big silly sister and me, Midge the squidge. :D As we are part of the family we always go away with our bi-peds to shows, on holidays etc and have a really good time (not sure why the pet rats come though, unless they are kept in case we run out of BBQ food! ;-) ). Anyway, on Friday night we arrived at the show and after tea we had a lovely potter around with our bi-peds and even popped into see the MMM mag gang in Clive's gazebo, Andy S seemed to like me but was a bit confused what sex I was ... well, I do have a few bits missing. :$ We left just as Mike J turned up with cake ... shame but I suppose I could do to loose a few pounds really. B-) On Saturday we took our bi-peds for a nice walk/potter around first thing, they really seem to enjoy these little jaunts with us and we have them very well trained so that when we do our necessary ablutions, they clear them up immediately, good bi-peds appear to be hard to find judging by your comments. Eventually we were quite happy to shoo them off to Peterborough for the morning so we could have a nice long laze around and catch up on our beauty sleep. When they came back at lunchtime we fussed them a lot (they seem to like this although I'm not going to start slobbering like Romy does, not at my age).:-S We always like it when they come back though as they play and give us lots of treats! :-> After another potter, we then kicked them out again to go round the show while we watched the other bi-peds go by (aren't some of them a funny shape?) then had another lovely refreshing snooze in the sunshine. When our bi-peds returned in the late afternoon, we again played and made a fuss of them and they gave us more treats, fair trade me thinks! Of course, later we had a lovely BBQ with them (no rats though ... saving them for a special occasion probably) before we snuggled up to watch a video on the nice big comfy bed, pure bliss ..........On Sunday we let our bi-peds have a bit of a lie in but eventually the call of nature ... well ... called ... and we had to wake them up, after a nice bit of breakfast (I do like cornflakes ... nice and crunchy :D) we had a nice potter around again and Romy ran around after her ball like a dog demented ... well ... she is a big silly lump of a lass but she's a happy loyal soul so I put up with her running circles round me.*-) After another lazy snoozey morning whilst our bi-peds went into the show, once we'd all had lunch, we insisted that they took us with them back in to see what was so enticing for them, it's nice to show an interest in what others are doing I think. It was really nice to have a good old mooch around the stalls, finding tit-bits (nice biscuits in a certain dealer's tent), saying hi to our 'kinsfolk' and bi-peds (but Romy really needs to learn that they don't all like her sniffing them ... it's a greyhound thing I think, well, I can't reach where she can anyway so how would I know really!).(lol) After an hour of us having a very interesting potter around and snuffling unfortunately our bi-peds got a bit tired ... poor things, they just can't keep up now ... so we had to take them back to the 'van but we insisted on visiting Clive and Janet again before we left - their gazebo had some lovely smells in it the last time we went and I wanted another good sniff, but unfortunately Clive specially bodged, ... er sorry beautifully made, BBQ was 'empty' but it did smell nice ... must remember to get there early in the morning next time for pancakes!When we eventually got back to the van, we were soon travelling home, we both had a nice snooze on the way, dreaming of the lovely time we'd had .... roll on the next show ... just remember to save some pancakes for me Clive! :->
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We were at the show and thought we were alone in finding the number of dogs being dragged around the show annoying - especially on Saturday when it was really busy. The worse case scenario was when 2 small children had 2 small dogs on "extending leads" - nobody could get round them and the adults with them seemed completely unconcerned. We both love dogs and always had them in our family up to a few years ago but our experiences in the showground (and in the camping area! 8o| ) have re-iterated our decision to always stop on sites which don't allow dogs. :-S


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benimar - 2008-04-28 9:50 PM


I kept all the Black and grey waste in the tank until sunday, when we were near full. I bought a waste carrier £15 to empty the tank and march it to the upside down cut off cone, 6 times. My MH is an RV, were there any waste points for these vans?

It was my first visit to a show like this, surley the amount of money changing hands for these events would encourage better facilities.

However, there is no excuse for this kind of behaviour.

Will the organisers consider this for next year.


Hi theirs normally an RV dump over where they put most of the RV's, personally I find 3 days only half fills my tanks, so I take it home and dump there.

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Yes you are quite right Olley, it was shown on the site map issued at the gate in the goody bag, also several toilet blocks (two close to our pitch) have Elsan disposal which could have been used to ditch waste water but like you we only had part full tanks and took ours home to empty.

We don't have an RV either just a plain UK built, saw a nice one there though that was tempting, 30 footer, twin slides, Ford V10 petrol 5litre 15 mpg (they reckon) such good VFM (but I cannot get on with LHD even with auto and cruise), but less than a Burstner tag axle we looked at!



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Makes me laugh, how can any human being complain about another species on the planet, just by driving to the show you have done more damage to the planet and all the people in it than a hundred dogs will do in a hundred years, if you never go deaf and nead a hearing dog , if you never go blind a nead a guide dog , disabled and a dog to help you, if you dont want sniffer dogs to check for bombs before you board a plane or ferry, if your children never get lost in the mountains and you want a search and rescure dog to find them, when you can put your hand on your heart and say I do not polute this planet , then complain about dogs, untill then just be thankfull that one other species on this planet will tolerate our us.

ps anyone not picking up there dogs mess should be banned from camp sites, blame the owner not the dogs

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I have no problem with dogs they cannot chose their owners to some people dogs are a great comfort to others an invaluable aid and I happily contribute to guide dogs for the blind .

Nothing gives me greater pleasure to see a well trained dog working in whatever field of work it is trained.

My biggest gripe is the morons who ill treat any animal and the other idiots who let their dogs foul public places especially where children play , when walking back to the show having just had some lunch in the parking area not 20yards from the entrance my wife was unfortunate to tread in some dog S**T the only consolation was she was not wearing open toe sandals but the mess still took a lot of cleaning off we do not all walk around with a toilet roll to hand.

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Its a bit much to generalise and label all dog owners as couldn't care less sociopaths just on the evidence of a few who don't clean up after their pets. Likewise it is a bit much for we pet owners to take the hump and assume that when someone complains about bad dog owners that they include us all.


We took our lovely mutt Dexter to the show and he spent almost the entire show on my stand (we didn't even put his lead on unless we were out walking him (and cleaning up his doin's :$ ) but don't tell the organisers (lol) ). He behaved impeccably and the only time he left the stand without me was to meet my wife when she was bringing us a drink, all of 20 feet from the stand. He was quite happy meeting people and other dogs alike and enjoyed lots of fuss and attention.



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catinou - 2008-04-30 10:26 AM


We were at the show and thought we were alone in finding the number of dogs being dragged around the show annoying - especially on Saturday when it was really busy. The worse case scenario was when 2 small children had 2 small dogs on "extending leads" - nobody could get round them and the adults with them seemed completely unconcerned. We both love dogs and always had them in our family up to a few years ago but our experiences in the showground (and in the camping area! 8o| ) have re-iterated our decision to always stop on sites which don't allow dogs. :-S



Funny that Im looking for a site that doesnt take MISERABLE OLD GITS!! but I havent been lucky enouh to find one yet. >:-)




:D :D :D :D :D :D

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Good point I do not think I have ever seen as many electric chairs in one place before but I must admit if I had to I would have one my legs were thumping after traipsing around all day  a good show but very tiring on the poor old feet.  http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/images/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
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So, to summarise........


Whilst cleaning off the dog droppings from your shoe, using the running Grey water tap someone has thoughtfully left open, be careful you don't get run down by the out-of-control Electric Chair 8-) ;-) :-D

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