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Double shock at Peterborough Show!


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sooty10 - 2008-04-30 11:10 PM


I thought this thread started about grey water. How has it degenerated into the debate about dogs. Next we will be discussing huge electric invalid wheel chairs.



That was my fault, just pointing out the failings in others, luckely I have no failings at all :D

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You are right, on the map there was an RV dump site, but nothing for standard vans, which would have suited my father who is 74. We have never been to this sort of show before and hoped for better facilities.

The dump points for soil where we were was a man hole, a sheet of ply with a hole in the middle over and a traffic cone cut off at the top and turned upside down, placed into the hole.

1000 vans maybe @ £34 ish and I think the showground could make better facilities inc a dog walk area perhaps and temp kennels near the exhib area may help. Remember the the exhibitors also pay to be there.

A lot of money changes hands and I am surprised facilities were not better albeit not camp site standard. We were there for 4 days 2 kids and the wife, we did not fill our tanks, but that is not really the point.

We really did have a good time also.

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Well-where do I stand? We were at the show, with the dog (Large friendly Dalmation if you saw us) and he walked round, didn't trip anybody up, didn't foul the footpaths or fields and received a lot of compliments from a lot of people. He was walked off site and not where kids play. Re the grey water-we had full tanks on leaving and could find nowhere to empty them. However I did manage to find a grid on a layby quite near and emptied there. I also saw people just opening them and letting it go anywhere. As stated earlier the organisers should provide better facilities.

As everyone else is moaning about my type of camper ie dog, waste tank and lack of consideration (which I disagree with anyway) can I have my little moan about the number of smokers who were at the show puffing away and sending carcenagenic smoke in my direction which I do object to plus having to run a gauntlet of smokers all lined up against the entrance to the Cambridge suite and the entertainment shed? I have recently had a heart attack and my wife is in remission from cancer-I think these people did more polluting than my Dalmation and grey water tank but there again I am prepared to live and let live-unlike some narrow minded people on this site. Ironically, I did exactly the same as gedger last year and drove off leaving my green doormat-I don't suppose anybody found it last year and lost it this year???


Mike B

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