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Michael, personally, if I always stayed on fully serviced commercial or club sites where I could change the water using a reliable source every 2 or 3 days, I probably would not have felt the need to buy a filter, but because of the very wide range of places I stay I decided to take a cautious view. I accept many people will tour for years and never have a problem.


I find that the filter also helps achieve a "proper" cup of tea whilst overseas. As with all things motorhome, you pays your money..............



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One of the problems with the ever increasing high standard of water quality in the UK and across the EEC is the lack of exposure to the odd bug or two that brings with it a build up of immunity to these bugs. So when the odd bug or ten are present, they may cause rather more harm than they would have done a few years ago.


Our tank despite several attempts at it still seems to impart a vaguely musty smell to the water .


We tend to use water from the tank for washing etc and use a small container for cold drinks, teeth etc which we fill seperately at regular intervals. We do try to choose a sensible tap to fill our container but haven't moved to wipes or flaming the tap to ensure all the bugs around and up the tap are dead as I would when taking a sample from the tap for testing.


There are lots of bugs around taps especially those that have hot and cold water through them, and plastic taps are very difficult to clean, the bugs are mostly up the spout. However exposure to these bugs does give some immunity.


Filters impregnated with silver usually kill the bugs from any mains supply. Some of the correspondents refer to kits available to use on any sort of water ie river/pond water, and they're probably overkill for Europe, so you pays your money and takes your choice.


By the way, a little bit of chlorine in your water when it arrives through your tap says " not all my killing power has been used up". But it isn't effective against some of the bugs identified in the 90's


alan ( used to manage a large number of water treatment works )




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Many thanks for all the replies. I am currently following up the fitting of a Nature Pure filter in line with the cold water supply to the kitchen sink in the MH.

This unit delivers 1.9L/min which may be a little slow, but I have found a Seagull IV X-1 which delivers 3.8L/min. (from www.purewateronline.co.uk)

Will keep you posted with developments.

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