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Yes. On the opposite end of the pump to the one where the water pipes are connected you will see, right in the centre, a screw. If I remember rightly, it is marked +clockwise and -anti-clockwise. This reduces or increases the pressure at which the pump cuts out. Reducing this should reduce the flow on opening a tap. You don't have to turn it much to have an effect.
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BrianR's advice is correct, though I believe the plate surrounding the pump's adjustment screw is now marked "INCREASE" (turn screw in clockwise direction) and "DECREASE" (turn screw anti-clockwise).


The adjustment-screw's main function is to minimise rapid cycling (ON/OFF within 2 seconds) during low flow demands. If altering the screw fails to correct your problem, then you may need to modify your motorhome's water system more radically.


I suggest you obtain an Installation/Operating Leaflet for your pump as this contains useful trouble-shooting advice. SHURflo has a website with contact details on



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A couple of points:


1. If you casnnot reduce the flow rate of the pump sufficiently, then it will be a whole lot easier to replace the pump with a lower flow rate model. (Note that it's flow rate that counts here rather than simply pressure).


2. If you can reduce the flow rate but the pump then cycles on/off more frequently, the simplest solution, if space permits, is to fit a Fiamma reservoir in the output pipe from the pump. This is a cylinder about 60mm in diameter x 200mm long containing a pressurised rubber bladder. As the pump pumps, the bladder is puches back to make room for the water, increasing the pressure in the bladder and input pipe until the pump cuts out. There is now enough pressurised water in the reservior to feed the outlet pipe without the pump switching on, thus smoothing out the flow from your tap. The pressure in the reservior can also be adjusted.


Mel E


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BEFORE you alter it make sure you mark where the screw was before you altered it so that if you need to put it back to where it was before you altered it you know where it was - if you see what I mean!
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