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refused entry to a camp site due to age of van!


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i herd so many story's so far from people that iv spoken to, be it second hand storey's, but felt i had to ring this mag to find out if this is or has happened to you.

i was talking to a pall of mine and she told me about a Friend of hers that travelled a long distance to a camp site and upon arrival they were refused entry because of the age of the van and also because it had some non offencive spray work to the v dubber van, the gate man told them that they were not aloud to enter becose they as in the camp site were trying to keep to a type of clientele and they did not fit that mark due to the custom paint work to the van and the age, this is not the first story iv herd there was a second one this chap had a white van and they to were told that they were not aloud in due to the fact it was white although i think age and home build may have had something to do with it, but never the less they were refused entry, and also on the grape vine i also herd a 3erd one that he got told no entry as the motor home was to old it was over 20 years old, what in heks name is going on is this . have you been refused entry at any camp site or is there more to do with than what meets the eye.

I'm a Little worried as I'm building a motor ho,sorry-motor caravan 'that's get the lingo write' I'm a boat builder by trade and can do a good job as any motore home manufacturer can do will i get told I'm to old my dodge is 30 year old and I'm 37. sorry i cant tel you the name of the sites as the storys were second hand to me. so for now the sites that im tulkin about get away with this but only for now, have you had the same thing happen to you tell me please,

editer of the mag may be you should print this if any one alls has happand to them..i may not be abell to spell it but defintly can build it.......



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we went on a 1 year honeymoon round europe, and used a merc 208d van which i basically kitted out in the back. We travelled everywhere from artic circle to venice, and were welcomed everywhere.


Got ferry back to uk after 1 year of being in a campsite every night bar 2 nights, and were turned away from a campsite in blackpool (half way home to ayr).


Welcome to the UK :-(

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It seems unlikely to me that the van was turned away because of its age, after all there is a Classic Motorhomes club and they must be able to use sites.

I assume it must have been more to do with appearance. ??



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We've never been refused entry to a site and believe me, our first camper was a tatty old Bedford CF in a mixture of off white and red lead paintwork, 2nd one was a younger but just as tatty Bedford CF and we did tow an ancient and even tattier caravan for a couple of years. Personally if a site refused me entry I'd look upon it that if I wasn't welcome then I probably wouldn't enjoy staying there.



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malc d - 2008-05-07 4:55 PM


It seems unlikely to me that the van was turned away because of its age, after all there is a Classic Motorhomes club and they must be able to use sites.

I assume it must have been more to do with appearance. ??



i nkow the van was in good condition as my pall talls me it has won prises in compationts, the paint work is not affensive.

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This is a wind up isn't it?  I've never read such an appallingly badly written thread in all my life.

The spelling and grammar is atrocious it reads like the policeman on 'ello 'ello.

Come on, fess up, who are you really?

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Way2Go - 2008-05-07 5:55 PM

This is a wind up isn't it?  I've never read such an appallingly badly written thread in all my life.

The spelling and grammar is atrocious it reads like the policeman on 'ello 'ello.

Come on, fess up, who are you really?


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Hi, Way To Go. so what if someone cant spell or put a good sentence together? It doesn't make them a inferior person, in fact often the opposite.

as long as we can get the gist of the posting that is all that matters.

Some of us have commen sense, or can use our hands possibly better than intellectuals.

Sorry that's my bit

Don >:-(

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My vans pretty rough on outside, with unrepaired dents dating from before I brought it 10 years ago, never been turned away from a site, but I proboly wouldn't want to stay on a site with 'gate man' more like I would refuse to go in B-) , I did once stay on a site with 'gate man' at Bridlington when I turned up late on a friday night for a race weekend, never again.
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BASICLY  i keep  finding people have been stopd from entering site so iv come here to see if there is any thing in the roomers as there is only one person thats been turnd away then im safe from this i hope.

pity im not safe from the spelling and grammer bregade.

lamedos !

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Dont 'e all no that trikershaun is none other that a cousin to 'ol Fred Grant down Cornwally way. E might come from around Norfolk way but e aint no nutter likes 'e tries to make out to us intlelecotules.


Read up on his Trike Web and yon well educated Triker boy will make you a super duper top quality machine for towing behind your M/H, whilst our 'rustic' Shaun the Triker will turn up in a large and well stocked RV !


Regarding the refused entry to sites, if in doubt all one has to do is send vehicle details to the Clubs HQ.


The only 'camp site' that does refuses unsociable vans is the annual

'Great Dorset Steam Fair'. Why.... because the occupants chose to go round nicking items from other campers instead of taking an interest in the Steam vehicles.

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libby - 2008-05-07 9:45 PM Dont 'e all no that trikershaun is none other that a cousin to 'ol Fred Grant down Cornwally way. E might come from around Norfolk way but e aint no nutter likes 'e tries to make out to us intlelecotules. Read up on his Trike Web and yon well educated Triker boy will make you a super duper top quality machine for towing behind your M/H, whilst our 'rustic' Shaun the Triker will turn up in a large and well stocked RV ! Regarding the refused entry to sites, if in doubt all one has to do is send vehicle details to the Clubs HQ. The only 'camp site' that does refuses unsociable vans is the annual 'Great Dorset Steam Fair'. Why.... because the occupants chose to go round nicking items from other campers instead of taking an interest in the Steam vehicles.

thanks for the input on the triker site, i can build em just not to hot on spelling them and yes it gets up  my  ***** when some one  just has to take the mick when ,

let me tell you all something about the van iv got. its in the pic. a chap built it and i got it off him he built it with only  6 fingers to hand as he lost  some on a spindle  tool so what im saying is it dont mater if you can  spell or have not to many fingers we all have some sort of skill that we excell at one way or anuther.

iv stertid to put the inside together as at some piont im going to tow the trike with it , we as in me and my clean living fam are going to  go to trike rallys and some  hollidays to scotland.

so far iv put a tv box in that electolocly slides the tv doun from the iner roof, the roof liners are in (polyester white on ply wood) and the alarm is in as well with auto start on the button, the reason for a old van and not a new one is i live on a dodgy  housing est and do not wish a new to be   stolen as that is what would happan not only that

i cant aford one.

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