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refused entry to a camp site due to age of van!


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The owner of the site, it being private property, has every right to refuse entry to whomsoever they wish, except on the grounds of Race. That's the Law. If your 'friends' were 'itinterant caravan dwellers' then they might just have a case and if that is so they should approach the Gypsy Council for legal advice, bearing in mind that all councils have a responsibility to afford sites for this particular grouping. As for bad spelling, try using you spell check on the computer, it may improve your spelling and grammer.



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Playtime - 2008-05-08 2:20 PM The owner of the site, it being private property, has every right to refuse entry to whomsoever they wish, except on the grounds of Race. That's the Law. If your 'friends' were 'itinterant caravan dwellers' then they might just have a case and if that is so they should approach the Gypsy Council for legal advice, bearing in mind that all councils have a responsibility to afford sites for this particular grouping. As for bad spelling, try using you spell check on the computer, it may improve your spelling and grammer.

thay are not gipos just  the likes of us or you, holiday makers.

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I do know of a site near Ipswich Suffolk one of a group of three that certainly used to stipulate no caravans over a certain age (can't remember how old), presumably that would mean motorhomes as well, however we have used the site on and off over the years and despite our last van being over the stipulated age we have not been refused entry. I did actually ask whether we would be refused as ours was over the age limit and was advised that they will judge each on its merits at the time and should they consider it in an unsuitable condition would then refuse entry.

We have not been to the site for a number of years now so I don't know if it is still the same, just looked on their website and there is no mention, but it was always considered to be an 'up market' site with fees and rules that reflected this and one of the rules on noise between 9pm and 8am is clearly on view on the online booking form so I suspect that the situation is as before.



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Well for a North American perspective (i.e. maybe OT):






















Somewhat common in the USA - IIRC there are a bunch more threads on RV Net re. this

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i had a look at the threads, thats not very nise. as to some of the storys i read,i hope we in the eu dont end up like that, the storys that have been told to me  i beleave to be true so i realy hope we dont end up  like that. camp sites should cater for all as long as no one is starting any trouble or messing with any one.

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Hey Shaun I do hope your trikes are better than your input on here. I can imagine a fair number of bits going amiss.


Perhaps it's a Pic & Mix assembly, I assume you include a dictionary with each Trike Kit set and instructions?


I believe I met you at a show last leap year.



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i build good trikes, and so do all the other members on the site, i start work on a volentry basis  soon helping yungsters to maintain there  smaller bikes and to stay out of crime. But with all the rubbish thats comeing my  way on the basis that i cant spell is starting to make me think if im welcome here or not, iv come in asking one simple thing and wollop the insolts have hit me from all directions.

have i told any of you that you owne cr*p vans , no,

have i told any of you that you have put that together wrong and that your thick  and sholdnt be in this game , no

so whats the prob....

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Hi Shaun. I hope you don't think we are all so critical on here.


I think the problem is that there have been some wind-up merchants on the forum in the past, and you have perhaps been identified as another one.


Sit back and enjoy the wealth of useful info on here, and take the rest of the b@@@ers with a pinch of salt. ;-)

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J9withdogs - 2008-05-09 10:52 AM Hi Shaun. I hope you don't think we are all so critical on here. I think the problem is that there have been some wind-up merchants on the forum in the past, and you have perhaps been identified as another one. Sit back and enjoy the wealth of useful info on here, and take the rest of the b@@@ers with a pinch of salt. ;-)

thanks for the kind words, no im not a wind up mertchant, just some one that needed some input on somthing i pickd up on the grate gosip line, which has turnd it to take the p*ss out of the thick one. sad realy as im full of nollage on building and can give the best of them a run for there money.

but im not going to help one sole out if all any one gets is constant p*ss take for the not so hot ability for spelling.   :0(

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are you refusing to improve your spelling then? I use the Google spell check, its very easy and quick to use.


If someone said i smelled like a hookers used pants, then i would want to at least try and rectify the situation.

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trikershaun - 2008-05-09 11:25 AM
J9withdogs - 2008-05-09 10:52 AM Hi Shaun. I hope you don't think we are all so critical on here. I think the problem is that there have been some wind-up merchants on the forum in the past, and you have perhaps been identified as another one. Sit back and enjoy the wealth of useful info on here, and take the rest of the b@@@ers with a pinch of salt. ;-)

thanks for the kind words, no im not a wind up mertchant, just some one that needed some input on somthing i pickd up on the grate gosip line, which has turnd it to take the p*ss out of the thick one. sad realy as im full of nollage on building and can give the best of them a run for there money.

but im not going to help one sole out if all any one gets is constant p*ss take for the not so hot ability for spelling.   :0(

Shaun ignore those lacking in reason, they have an arrogance all of their own! The majority on here are good and tolerant people please do not let this put you off the forum.Bas
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trikershaun - 2008-05-09 11:25 AM
J9withdogs - 2008-05-09 10:52 AM Hi Shaun. I hope you don't think we are all so critical on here. I think the problem is that there have been some wind-up merchants on the forum in the past, and you have perhaps been identified as another one. Sit back and enjoy the wealth of useful info on here, and take the rest of the b@@@ers with a pinch of salt. ;-)

thanks for the kind words, no im not a wind up mertchant, just some one that needed some input on somthing i pickd up on the grate gosip line, which has turnd it to take the p*ss out of the thick one. sad realy as im full of nollage on building and can give the best of them a run for there money.

but im not going to help one sole out if all any one gets is constant p*ss take for the not so hot ability for spelling.   :0(

Stick with it Shaun - you will soon learn which people to ignore on this forum. ;-) ;-)
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Hi Shaun, welcome to the mad house!


You just carry on as you are chuck, we've been getting used to Michele's ;-) spelling for ages now so don't you fret, you're in good company. :-)


You just keep on posing and we'll try to answer as best we can.


As for your question, we used to have an old ambulance that we converted, it was okay but not the prettiest of things. We didn't have any problems at all with staying in sites and that includes a Caravan Club members' only site at Houghton Mill (back in the late 90s) when we weren't even members! We'd been directed there by the local Tourist Info office for somewhere to stay and the very accommodating wardens let us. As this is a posh site we felt very privileged indeed!!!


Mel B

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thanks all thats realy good to here, iv gone to alot of forums and this is the first thats had pople atack pople for there abillitys or lack of them.

iv got  alott of apdates of my mh to put up in the other web site that iv got going with a mate 'so if managment dont mind i will put up a link to the directed thread were its all happining as a sig at the bottom of the post's.

you will enjoy  :0)

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trikershaun - 2008-05-09 6:21 PM

thanks all thats realy good to here, iv gone to alot of forums and this is the first thats had pople atack pople for there abillitys or lack of them.


cn this be inything other then talking the poss?
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handyman - 2008-05-09 8:45 PM
trikershaun - 2008-05-09 6:21 PM

thanks all thats realy good to here, iv gone to alot of forums and this is the first thats had pople atack pople for there abillitys or lack of them.


cn this be inything other then talking the poss?
If it is, then I hope he's happy that we're all falling for it but I'd rather believe it to be genuine and accept that some people are not as good at spelling and others, until proven otherwise I'm quite happy to converse with Shaun, do you have a problem with that Handyman?.
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One or two of us might need to apologise to Shaun, (I for one) He's as genuine as the day is long, but the message did arise shortly after a previous nuisance one .


A bit like our Cornish Fred I reckons, so don't ever loose your individuality.



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to be onist with you all im not taking much notice of the rubbish, as the motor home im building is more important to me and advise is what i need, and to top that the mmm mag is the one i read, but saying that i did by the other pmh mag the other day.

i am who i am and if any one dont like then dont tulk to me iv allready noted  user names and any replys with them  will be ignord, simple.

 i am disleksic and to find so many ignorant peple on one site 'wow'

as for the niser and kinder pople thank you for the welcome, and also for you apoligy that gos a long way in my book ;0) thanks..............

libby the reason for the trikes is bad back and if i should fall of a bike for one reason or the other is it may very well finish my back off for good. 

who in the heck is Cornish Fred iv never come acrosed this name before, im more of a fred dibner fan but only just discuverd him as we have cable tv, has this chad passd away as he did have cancer or did he get over it. 

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I don't know whether you are for real or not, but hey what the heck. We need posters on this site and need to support it.... so if you ARE taking the mick then you are helping keep the site going for the rest of us.


If you are NOT, then brilliant. I am as thick as pig muck believe me..... I get jumped on from great heights on another forum at times because I am not as articulate or pedantically careful in what I type (IS THERE SUCH A WORD? .... maybe not but I get my point over), so either way keep on posting and let's the rest of us make a point of posting whenever we can as the 'lean' season is coming up when most of us will be able to get away into the good weather. B-)

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