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leisure batteries ??


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I do a lot of rallying , rarely use hook up , my batteries used to last about 4/5days depending on time of year , but now ive a solar panel i get as long as i need , thing is ive just had a service and hab check , theyve checked my leisure batteries and found them not to be healthy ones reading -127 din , the other - 227 din , when on site everything is ok good readings on my meters etc , so , whats happening ?? Does this mean my batteries are just going to give up the ghost eventually ??
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Never heard of that type of reading

you have a voltage test

A cell test for specific gravity of acid

A discharge test

Using all are some of the above you can get a good indication of battery health.

there are so called machines/battery testers on the market that measure volts and also do a safe discharge test.

But you can only test a fully charged battery and all equipment used is only as good as the experience of the person using it.

I would like to find out what DIN refers to in your post.

There is a DIN reference for batteries but that is an indication of battery type.


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Have you been topping up your batteries since charging with Solar Power?


One of the draw backs of using Solar power to charge your batteries is it tends to charge them up to 14 to 14.5 volts charge voltage and this will cause gassing and water consumption. Hence the need to keep an eye on the batteries and top them up other wise they will have reduced life.

Personally I prefer to limit the charge voltage to 13.8 volts and never gas the batteries. This does mean you get less charge stored but to me is offset by the Battery rated capacity lasting longer as they age, no maintenance required on regular intervals and generally a much longer total life.

If leaving batteries laid up for long periods thinking you are doing the right thing having Solar Power keeping then topped up, then having a reduced voltage of 13.8 volts trickle charge should be considered. Now most solar regulators will charge up to 14 (+0.5)volts and then fall back to trickle charge, but often this is also connected through to the Engine battery as well, and supplying various low power devices like alarms. This all helps to upset the trickle charge mode as every night power is drawn off and so the cycle repeats when daylight comes around and water is consumed.

Hence why I prefer 13.8 volts max and no more. I can live with less capacity and if it becomes an issue I wil fit another low Amphour battery to compensate, 'cos I hate topping up batteries needlessly and getting reduced overall life.


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