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Boris and the LLEZ

grocer jack

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Now we have had a regime change at County Hall I thought I would re-open the debate about the Low Emissions Zone. I have sent this e-mail to Boris:


Dear Boris,

Many congratulations for ousting Red Ken. Not before time and despite those who said you couldn’t do it.


I had an exchange of e-mails with Ken and TfL earlier this year regarding the London Low Emissions Zone and the hardship this measure was causing many people who own non-compliant vehicles and live within the boundaries of the scheme. I contacted DC on the same matter with the hope that when you came to power you would review the operation of this scheme.

Obviously you have many more pressing concerns than this one and I’m glad to see the ranks of the unemployed being swelled by ex LDA members, but, when you get a chance could you please give a thought to this matter?


If we all think it is important we should all apply pressure!


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Grocer Jack


I think you are right - now is the best time to apply pressure and make the point to Boris that every small success during his early days in office will pave the way for more and bigger successes.


Do you have the e-mail address for thoise of us who wish to lobby him?



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Am I the only person who didn't know that Boris had won? 8-)


I thought that Ken must've got in again as I've not seen anything on the news ....


I don't know whether it's a good thing or not ... but I bet the committee meetings are a hoot if his appearance on 'Have I Got News For You' are anything to go by!!! (lol)

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Great idea but I think anyone emailing BJ needs to be very specific about the change we need - i.e., vans and converted vans used for leisure or charitable purposes. This then includes organisations such as St John's Ambulance who are very hard hit (most of their vehicles are quite elderly) and minibuses used by schools, charities, etc.


Mel B,


When BJ first announced his intention to run, one of the Telegraph's columnists described the likely contest as being between a very bright man who liked to play the buffoon, and a buffoon who liked to pretend he was very bright. Well, one of the buffoons won!


Mel E


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Best of luck with this, but you must remember by his own admission he is a pot smoking coke snorting lying philanderer, so maybe you should offer to loan him van stocked with drugs for 'dating' his next mistress >:-)
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colin - 2008-05-09 7:48 PM


Best of luck with this, but you must remember by his own admission he is a pot smoking coke snorting lying philanderer, so maybe you should offer to loan him van stocked with drugs for 'dating' his next mistress >:-)


At last; an honest politician.


I would be more inclined to vote for him on that basis than the lying " I tried it once at university but didn't inhale" slimeball brigade.


And (unlike the Victorian UK) in most other European countries, you're totally inelectable UNLESS you've got a mistress.


10 out 10 to Boris for being a real human being.





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Does he (The Mayor of London) have a system similar to the Government web site where you can post a suggestion and get other people to sign-up to it, hope that makes sense.


Is anyone in a position to put forward a form of words that would cover the eventualities that have already been highlighted on previous disscusions.


Perhaps we can get Mel E to put something together that we can all support.



Just my thoughts

Could the LEZ be based upon engine size rather than weight, as there are quiet a few vehicles that have much bigger engines than most motorhomes but do not qualify as they are all under 3500kg, surely that can't be right ! can it ?





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malc d - 2008-05-10 10:35 AM


The difficulty will be defining a 'motorhome' because no doubt every builder in London with an old van will be putting windows in it !


;-) ;-)


Not really malc d


There is a DVLA category of motorcaravan and insurers insist on it meeting a certain specification before they will accept it as so. I believe the Transport for London database uses the DVLA data to 'match' registration plates against this so it is certainly possible for genuine motorhomes to be singled out.

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At the end of the day, everyone is forgetting why this was introduced. Sod all to do with saving the world and everything to do with raising revenue! As usual, politicians of all parties can see a money making wheeze a mile off, and so the charges will stay because the money raised will have been included in the budget forcasts for the coming years. Most local and national government departments work on a 3-5 year budget cycle now anyway, so I would lay money on it being here to stay.
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Tomo3090 - 2008-05-10 2:46 PM


At the end of the day, everyone is forgetting why this was introduced. Sod all to do with saving the world and everything to do with raising revenue! .


I don't see how that can be ....... the charges are so high that just about nobody is going to pay: it isn't £5 or £10 per day, it is £100 or £200 per day depending on the vehicle: it is a virtual ban on those vehicles concerned. That isn't a revenue raiser is it?



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Harvey - 2008-05-11 6:12 PM


Tomo3090 - 2008-05-10 2:46 PM


At the end of the day, everyone is forgetting why this was introduced. Sod all to do with saving the world and everything to do with raising revenue! .


I don't see how that can be ....... the charges are so high that just about nobody is going to pay: it isn't £5 or £10 per day, it is £100 or £200 per day depending on the vehicle: it is a virtual ban on those vehicles concerned. That isn't a revenue raiser is it?



Agreed. I reckon it owes more to political dogma than anything else.


I can accept the need to clean up the air in London but the mechanism to identify (and, therefore, exempt) the the relatively few residents who own affected motorhomes and other leisure vehicles is in place. The fact that the mechanism has not been used is a political decision.



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Politicians know that most the owners of vehicles that are in the categories paying this will keep their vehicles. Some will update them and be exempt but the majority will just pay it. The same as we do with fuel and road tax. It's a lifestyle choice and not many people change their lifestyles because of taxes. Otherwise we would all be non smoking, non drinking, non driving, low cholesterol, normal blood pressure, joggers with a bike for weekend trips to the gym!
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Mmmmm, maybe, but I would imagine there are a good few for whom £700 per week just to keep their VW panel van as an everyday vehicle or only method of holidays is way out of their affordability - and for that reason alone I have followed Grocer Jack's example and sent my e-mail.



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