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C&CC Ferry Prices Warning


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Sorry didnt post on the pricematching subject..


I personally think pricematching is a good idea, as it ensures that if you find a fare cheaper, that as members we wont lose out. thats it, no hidden agenda. There are so many ferry companies, and apparently different deals with each one of them, that as members we are reasured that if a deal slips through the CCC net, then the club will match it. And with Norflkline as they dont book with them, that you get just as good prices, but with another operator, who has more ships, sailings, and saves us about 15 minutes driving if you are going down south. Its a no lose situation.

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During a particularly difficult period last year Norfolkline went out of their way to assist me and therefore I wished to repay them with my patronage. Also, as I shall be driving to Belguim the ferry to Dunkerque is more convenient.


On a commercial note, if the commision paid to the CCC is so low as to be unprofitable a) why did it offer to accept the booking? and b) why offer to price match ?


I dont consider comission taking to be a sin, but I dont feel that a club should make commision by effectively adding that commision onto the prices paid by its members.


You should note that I have only aired my thoughts feelings and suspicions

on this matter and believe that I have reported the facts in a responsible, (but admittedly questioning ) manner.


I originally asked Norfolkline why they could not offer CCC members the discount that they offered to CC members and was notified that the decision was made by the CCC (see 1st posting)


As a result of this letter I then contacted the CCC. As a paid up member I believed I was entitled to an explanation. I considered the CCC answer to be unsatifactory hence the reason for my posting.


I have simply asked the CCC to explain itself and have given them an opportunity to state their case. They may have a compelling and convincing reason for their policy but how can I or anyone else judge if they fail to state their case ?


Would you not agree that as members its up to us to ensure that those who run our club always act in our best interests and are accountable to the membership for their actions ?





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Thanks for the reply..


You say

"During a particularly difficult period last year Norfolkline went out of their way to assist me and therefore I wished to repay them with my patronage. Also, as I shall be driving to Belguim the ferry to Dunkerque is more convenient"

I am getting a bit confused, you say above that you wanted to repay norflolkline, But you didnt travel with them, you took the pricematch which was offered by the CCC.


You also ask the question..

"On a commercial note, if the commision paid to the CCC is so low as to be unprofitable a) why did it offer to accept the booking? and b) why offer to price match ?"

I suspect that it may be so that the CCC can remian competitive while they dont offer the norfolkline services, but also continue to give members a choice. After all this is what it is all about. We all have a choice. We can choose to go with norfolkline and let all the revenue go to a private company, or we can choose to mention the norfolkline prices to the CCC and let them offer us a pricematch. I personally think thats fair enough.


You say

"You should note that I have only aired my thoughts feelings and suspicions on this matter and believe that I have reported the facts in a responsible, (but admittedly questioning ) manner.


Unfortunately iu cannot agree with you on this. Whilst i appreciate that due to the wonders of the internet, freedom of speech etc etc that me, you and everyone has the 'right' to expess their views, we have to express them in a responisble way, and my personal opinion is that you have not taken a responsible approach.


Your comments below are mostly the reasons for my comments above, which i find just factually incorrect, such as claiming the club inflate there prices, is just untrue.

"Could it be that the club receives a commission from Sea France and that, that commision is paid for by its members having to pay an inflated price on each and every crossing ? I suspect it is !"



"As a member of C&CC I consider that by failing to obtain the best prices for its members, they are not acting in our best interests and I am calling on all members and potential members to join me in demanding that the club allows members the opportunity to obtain the lower ferry prices which are enjoyed by members of the CC"


You use the words, 'failing' and "demanding", and i think it is fair to conject that the infrence given in your statement above that the club is failing in giving the best prices to its members. Whereas There is no evidence in your post or anywhere else in the thread that this is the case. Infact the opposite, as i cannot see that you paid 1 penny more with the CCC compared to the CCC or norfolkline as the club gave you the pricematch you asked for. Which completely justifies the existence of the pricematch system the club is offering. If you found a chepaer fare with the CCC would the CC offer the same? Not that i am aware!


You also say

"I originally asked Norfolkline why they could not offer CCC members the discount that they offered to CC members and was notified that the decision was made by the CCC (see 1st posting)


As a result of this letter I then contacted the CCC. As a paid up member I believed I was entitled to an explanation. I considered the CCC answer to be unsatifactory hence the reason for my posting. "


This again i just think is a bit inacurate, as it is obvious that your first post was made upon receiving the norfolkline letter, but you dont tell us of a response from the CCC until 4 days later? You have obvioulsy decided to aire you thoughts, concerns, and somewhat inacurate aspertions before even giving the club a chance to respond, which is comepletely your right. But is it the responsible thing to do to make accusations of a club before

they have even been given the chance to respond. i personally dont think so.


You say

"As a member of C&CC I consider that by failing to obtain the best prices for its members, they are not acting in our best interests and I am calling on all members and potential members to join me in demanding that the club allows members the opportunity to obtain the lower ferry prices which are enjoyed by members of the CC


Geoff dont take this personally i am not trying to have a go at you, it is just when i read your posts in detail, you..

Seem to be complaining about a pricematch service which you were happy to use at the time.

Seem to be criticising our club in a public forum without giving it a chance to respond from the very start.

You TELL me in no uncertain terms that the club is not acting in our best interests, without checking your facts.


You tell me also that the club is failing to offer the best prices, when infact again there is no evidence of that. Infact if anyone takes just 10 minutes to do some price comparisons, the CCC is actually several % cheaper with most ferry companies than going direct.


So i am not quite convinced by your claim that your have reported the facts in a responsible manner.


Sorry geoff, as i said i am not having a go at you, it just seems there seem

to be lots of suspicions which are being passed of as facts, and flag waving where there does not need to be.


However i do agree that the club does have a responsibility to its members to offer an explanation as to you they dont use Norfolkline. However i dont think we should hold our breath for an answer, as there may be sensitive comercial reasons which cannot be disclosed to the likes of you or me for not working with norfolkline.


You know i may even use the telephone this morning and ask them myself.




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Good morning Kioki,


Glad to see that we agree on some aspects but I think we shall have to agree to differ on others. I would be interested in hearing about your conversation with the CCC. They are after all, my club of choice too.


Perhaps we may never find out the reasons behind their decision but as far I am concerned it wont be for a lack of trying, also lets not forget that

there is a great deal of difference between "suspecting" that an act has occurred and "claiming" that it has actually happened.


Getting back to the original post, regardless of the reason for preferring one company to another, the bare facts are that I was unable to book my prefererred ferry company and destination at the lowest price available (at that time).


If I had not been made aware that CC members could obtain a much lower price I would not have been in a position to ask for a price match from CCC . Due to that lack of knowledge I would therefore have had to select either Norfolkline (directly) or Sea France (via CCC) and pay approx 40% more.


Alternatively, I could have joined CC and obtained the benefit of lower Norfolkline prices WITHOUT having to ask for a price match.


Referring to the original thread, CCC only offered a price match to those 'in the know'. By "going public" I can impart that knowledge to others so that they too can make a saving. I am simply asking that the CCC offer members the low prices that are offered to CC members.


Are they aware of the lower prices available to CC members ? YES. After taking my booking they most certainly are !


Did they at any time notify members that a lower priced/alternative carrier was available ? NO. I certainly did not read about it in the magazine !


In view of the above FACTS, is this not evidence that they have "failed" to look after members financial interest ?


It may well be that CCC offer the best prices /services for other crossings, and that my preferences have uncovered an anomoly in the system. I trust that CCC marketing will address this matter and still await their reply.



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