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Major problems thread playing up again


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Colin Weston

A repeat of what I've posted on main thread but not comming up

Dave(david newell) is/was running something about this in PMH, WMC is published by Warners who run this site, they have X250 as 2008 winner of base vehicle maybe someone will answer on here?

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When a thread has reached the size of the Fiat Problems one, it's going to place demands on the forum software that the software-originator will not have anticipated. That it is "playing up" doesn't surprise me a bit and every time someone happily 'bumps' it, or adds a large photo to it, will inevitably make matters worse. This was one of the reasons I suggested a little while back that all the existing Fiat Problem-related threads be allowed to slip quietly into obscurity and a new 'Master thread' be set up. As I've said previously, the software behind the Out&AboutLive forums is a simple and relatively crude Sow's Year and not designed for running anything resembling the Fiat 'Campaign'.

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I think there may be a page limit of 20 and after this the admin has to manualy 'add' new page, possibly a feature to stop an DOS attack?

It has not been helped by admins refusal to pin it to top so that it wouldn't need bumping.

A thought, if we started a new thread as you say with links to old thread, but of cause it will still need bumping for proboly 9 months until Fiat sort it out.

Yes all you dealers and manufacterers we are in it for the long run.

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by the cringe derk, its not masters suffering fron the judders now is it?.


is it catchin and could it inflict freds talbot. does us av to avoid all fiats and masters on site. were do us now go my biddies. if this news of derks is true, then it cud be a big worry. as the clubs issued a statement meansum??



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  • 2 weeks later...



'Paging' normally occurs when the number of individual postings in a thread reaches 30 and the process repeats at multiples of 30 (60, 90, 120, etc.) This is easily confirmed by looking at a few multi-page threads. Count the postings on the final page, add to this the number of earlier pages times 30 - the total should equal the 'number of Replies' statistic for that thread plus one (the initial posting). As the O&AL forum operates in real time 24/7, paging must inevitably be performed automatically by the software otherwise any reasonably-sized thread would grind to halt until a human being intervened and that plainly doesn't happen.


However, what may occur with the massive Fiat Juddering thread is that the software 'staggers' when paging is required and it may require a human to kick it up the backside to recover. The forum software is likely to deal with each thread on a 'whole thread' basis, so, in the the case of the Fiat Juddering thread, turning a page will involve handling a complete thread comprising over 700 separate postings, not just adding an extra posting to what was already there. And this has to be done while attempts may simultaneously be being made to view the Fiat Juddering thread or to add further postings to it. Because of the unusually large size of this thread it may well be that the paging process does force the thread into a 'holding pattern' that requires a human to take action to get it going again and allow further postings to be added.


If you apply the '30 postings per page' rule to the Fiat Juddering thread, the result doesn't quite tally with the statistics given for it. This suggests that the administrators may have tinkered with the thread or that there's something not quite right about its structure - if this is so, it might also have an impact on how efficiently the forum software processes it at the paging-stage.


I'm reluctant to be a Prophet of Doom, but, if forum members really value what's been said on the Fiat Juddering thread, then it would be wise for someone to go through it from start to finish and copy the significant postings just in case the thread goes belly-up. If the thing is playing occasionally hard to get now, then it's going to play even harder to get as it becomes even bigger. Should the thread eventually become inaccessible due to its size, or starts to over-load the forum software unduly, or (as you suggest) needs regular human oversight to maintain its viability, then I think you'll find the forum administrators won't be overly enthusiastic about trying to resuscitate it.

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Well it makes a change from me being 'Prophet of Doom' :D

I have been experimenting with copying large chunks of thread and editing, but at moment I'm having internet connection problems.

For some reason I have changed to dynamic IP switching instead of static IP address, if power is cut to my router (we are getting regular small power cuts once or twice a day at moment) and it reconnects it changes address, some times this results in a very slow connection so I have to switch of and on till I get good connection :-(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Resurecting this as other tread seems to have gone down big time.


It has come to my attention that some enterprising salesmen are claiming that a fix for clutch is availible and they are all being fixed, I suppose if you have a family to feed then you will do anything to earn a crust. Still it makes a change to them dening all knowledge of the problem. These may be the same salesmen who claim scuttlegate is all cleared up.

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I think the poor thing has a 25 page maximum limit at present.  I posted a response to it yesterday, and it ain't there.  However, if I search for my post using the search facility, it says it is there.  My simple conclusion is that it is there - on page 26, but the present set-up can't show 26 pages.  Forum black hole?
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Interesting that, and it looks like there may be no room to display more than 25 'page references' across the base of a thread.


I suppose one might try encouraging the forum administrators to take their surgical scalpels to the thing and excise all the bump and off-topic postings - that should radically reduce its overall size.

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Could the administrators (or someone else) not start a new thread, with the posts which are supposed to be on main thread but aren't and then everyone who posts on it add a link to main one in their post somewhere????


The first post on the new second thread could tell us all to do this??

Just a thought, don't know how practical that idea would be but would certainly be better than the nothing posts we have at the mo!




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Main Fiat/Peugeot Thread Part 1 here



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