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Been and damaged my camper help please


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Hi you all ,

can you all give advice on what it is you all use on the GRP .

I have been and damaged my camper having a sort out I was getting rid of a wardrobe and I hit the camper with the door of the wardrobe .


Help please I don't want water to get in.

Sorry the server will not let me put on pictures but i will try again later .

Its not a big hole but big enough to let water in . :-(

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Oh Michele that's dreadful, I'm sooo sorry.

First things first is to make it water tight until you've thought through a solution.  Depending on the size you could use a polythene bag with masking tape all around.

Next, as has been suggested, for a small area you can get a body repair kit from someone like Halfords.

How big is the hole?

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Gordon Brown & W2 Go thanks alot ..


I think about half an inch I have managed to peirce the skin straight through . Its right next to the toilet cassette door to the right of it .


Until I can buy a kit or what ever you all come up with what do you all think would do the least damage re the paint work ?

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michele - 2008-05-11 4:35 PM Is this server having a chuckle or what ? people have been telling Warners about it for what seems like an age now . Sorry but until you press the submit button you can not tell the server is not working .

oops wrong quote

i have to agree with this chap but as its not a boat you could mask off an  area of about 1 inch around the hole and use a product called plastic padding its a car filler if its gone al the way in and you can see space in the hole then you will need to get some mesh  and cut a small bit so it fits the hole and then put a small amount  of filler on that but only anuf to hold the mesh let that it go off and  if poss put the build up layer over that as you have masked around the hole you can scrap it smooth so very little sanding will need to be dun,

that's the diy way to do it but it will notice after you will have to spray over the top or use a touch up pen.

all the product are available from car care centers but the bets way to get every thing that the trade will use is go to a boat chandlery, and ask over the counter most of them will give you genuine advise and will sell the produts in small amounts over the counter..

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Hi Michelle,

Plastic Padding Gel Coat Filler has worked for me in the past. It flats out really well but then you'll have to find a matching paint if you're doing it yourself. If you're having a body shop do the repair it won't be any problem to them to work around this filler when they get to it. ( available at Halfords and some caravan dealers)


Bill Ord



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Hi Michele- Sorry to hear of the damage to the van, you must feel gutted, I know I would be. I would recomend to buy some Evotape its clear stick on plastic tape about 2inches wide in a roll, like an industrial Sellotape. I keep some always in the van for any damage type accident, its waterproof, and this will buy you time to sort out a suitable repairer. You should be able to pick a roll up from a decent ironmongry/ builders store. Good luck, lets hope this dry weather lasts till its covered over. chas
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Hi Michele, sorry to hear you've dinged your 'van. Personally I'd suggest you get it professionaly repaired unless you're experienced at repairs like this, which you're obviously not or you wouldn't be asking for advice ;-) . Make the damage temporarily watertight by any of the methods already suggested and find a local body repair specialist to do a proper job. Yours is still a newish 'van and it would be a shame to spoil it for the sake of a hundred quid or so.



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Hi ,Everyone and thanks chas

Thanks Bill I just don't know what to do for the best now !!!

the hole isnt that big but I take on board what Dave has said i don't really want to have an eye sore staring at us .

I have tried to load the piccys again but no such luck I will keep trying .

We have in th epast when we reversed into a mound of mud used a good repairer perhaps we will have to take it off there . i wouldnt mind but we are due to go away soon I hope the weather lasts . I maybe worried over nothing and maybe the rain won't get inside.


I think I will have to go to Halfords in the morning as we have no boat repairers near us I will have to get some of the sticky tape.

Shame i cant show you all the pictures I took :-(

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Oh dear .... horrible feeling isn't it. :-(


Before going and spending loads of dosh getting it professionally repaired, would it's location allow of it to be rempaired (filled etc) and then have a sticker or even reflector put on it? If so then I'd get it well sealed/filled, I'm sure your hubby, or even you, could do it seeing as it's so small, and then once it's nice and dry, put a sticker or reflector, or some such item, on top of it, do the same on the other side to make it match.


You can get little reflectors, about 1 inch long and half an inch high, a bit like a lozenge, in white, orange, red etc. If one on it's own looks a bit wierd you can always put 2 or 3 more along each side (make sure they are well spaced and at the same level) and as well as covering up the minor damage they will add a safety reflector to your vehicle as well! :->

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Guest JudgeMental


Bad luck *-)


I always carry a roll of GAFFA tape or DUCT tape for these occasions as it is strong and waterproof....


I would then try a few local car body shops

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If you do a repair yourselves and it shows afterwards perhaps such a small repair could be covered by a 'sticker' of some sort.

I know a lot of people don't like to put stickers on their vans but in this case the idea might be of some use.


Good luck with it anyway - I can imagine you felt quite sick when it happened.



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Thanks guys truth is I LAUGHED because its only money and being someone who has lost family in car crash it didn't matter everyone was safe no one was hurt ..thats the main thing its only tin at the end of the day ..



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michele - 2008-05-11 8:04 PM


Thanks guys truth is I LAUGHED because its only money and being someone who has lost family in car crash it didn't matter everyone was safe no one was hurt ..thats the main thing its only tin at the end of the day ..




I thought you said it was GRP (?) :->

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davenewell@home - 2008-05-11 6:54 PM Hi Michele, sorry to hear you've dinged your 'van. Personally I'd suggest you get it professionally repaired unless you're experienced at repairs like this, which you're obviously not or you wouldn't be asking for advice ;-) . Make the damage temporarily watertight by any of the methods already suggested and find a local body repair specialist to do a proper job. Yours is still a newish 'van and it would be a shame to spoil it for the sake of a hundred quid or so. D.

ok if this is the case then may i sagest you temp cover it and go to a grp/frp specialist if you don't wish to see that there was ever a repair was there , getting a color match is very difficult for some one that s never done this type of job,, i was not awear this is a new van. mind you , you could hide the repair with a sticker or a graphic.

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Hi Michele, instead of trying to do a fancy fill and rub down job plus paint that rarely matches why not do something like Malc sez? As you say the hole is only about half an inch so why not stick on or screw on an amber reflector with a bit of sealant so it don't leak? Only you will know what is underneath. If you think it looks a bit odd you can always stick two or three more spaced out along the side of your 'van. You will fool everyone except yourself. I have ( In the past ) disguised a nasty bash with a plastic vent having painted the area behind the vent mat black, no one ever questioned the vent being in an odd place. Find something positive rather that just a sticker. Cheers for now, have fun, David.
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Now, this is where I would like the external BBQ gas point fitted..yes... ah ah, I have made a hole for it for you...sorry its not very round but I am sure you will soon soon make it neater.


(..sorry to hear your wardrobe door won. )

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As its GRP then ISOPON is as good as any. Halfords sell it in various sizes. Just freshen up the hole and fill it in with this stuff, its also GRP so its totally compatible. If you make a bodge of the repair and its a bit rough on the outside have no fear as it can be cut back and re-filled again, keeping water out must be the first priority.

Good luck





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Bloody hell girl what are you like, I think I told you before to stop this weight training.

If I was you I would take the "Judges" advice and cover it with gaffer tape until it can be repaired by a pro, they will have the right kit to do the job properly.


John D.

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