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overcab on rollerteam


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hi all, i have a rollerteam 600 on ford chassis bought new in december,i was going to ask the forum if anybody gets a very irritating buzzing noise when driving around 60mph and over from there overcab ,ive had the noise since getting the van but it comes and goes ,its not quite a rattle but more like a big beehive above your head i think is probarly the best way to describe it ,its not comeing from the overcab windows ,i thought it was just nit picking so havent really checked up on it but the thought now off driving hundreds of miles to france ect,with this buzzing above your head is quite off putting,anyway would be intrested to know if this is normal maybe just the price you pay for overcabs or if anyone on the forum gets this from there overcab. cheers thanks alot. KEITH.
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Hi, We have a 600G but not experienced the buzzing sound, we did a a squeak which we though was around passenger door but it was the 2 wood sections above rubbing together, they gave us some polish to spray between and nothing since.


It sounds like the window or maybe something going on in the inside of the bed panel above your head, if you press around the panel does it give way in places we had a problem with that and they took it off and fixed something in side there and was much more solid afterwards.


Let me know how you get on


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I had an overhead sound which annoyed me too. It was like when we were kids and played music on a comb and paper ... is that what you mean? If so, mine turned out to be the folding blind on the window more or less over the overhead bed..... I have since been told that ALL overhead blinds should be OPENED when driving as the wind comes in and can damage them. Failing that, sorry can't help ... have you CHECKED to see no wasp hive in the engine ... a friend of mine had one :-(
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