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dogs and motorhomes

jack russell

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Thought I'd jump in as a dog lover and having been the loving owner of

a Yorky and a Poodle(my wife's choice!) over the years. I am sure the contributors to this thread are all good careful owners. But our unidentified

complainer does have a point that I think good dog owners should in their own interest take seriously. I have not as yet had a problem with the unmentionables on arriving at a pitch BUT the same is not true over the first few yards of the allocated dog walk. Every site with a dog walk I have been to has needed careful negotiation over the first few steps. This is not nice.


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I have to agree with this one - I walk my dogs in a park close to a Caravan Club affiliated site near Bridgnorth.


During the summer months we see an increase in the number of dog walkers, as the site recommends our park as a suitable place to exercise their pooches.


Unfortunately the dog owners do not see that their responsibilities to clean up after their dogs extends to outside the confines of the site itself.


I have tried (unsuccessfully) to get the site to ask their patrons to follow the basic rules on cleanliness.



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They are irresponsible dog owners and lazy pigs >:-( and they give dog owners a bad name! but like irresposible parents you cant go about calling ALL parents bad because a few that shouldnt be allowed to have children.


But it annoys me that there are people that cant tell the difference.

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PSHORT - 2008-05-23 9:13 PM


Thought I'd jump in as a dog lover and having been the loving owner of

a Yorky and a Poodle(my wife's choice!) over the years. I am sure the contributors to this thread are all good careful owners. But our unidentified

complainer does have a point that I think good dog owners should in their own interest take seriously. I have not as yet had a problem with the unmentionables on arriving at a pitch BUT the same is not true over the first few yards of the allocated dog walk. Every site with a dog walk I have been to has needed careful negotiation over the first few steps. This is not nice.

PShort I dont understand your remark "our unidifintied complainer" is meant to imply but I have no proof of your identity or in deed anyone on this site. Should we all include a copy of our passport and a utility bill?


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No we just dont understand WHY you are answering in the negative when someone asks advice about dog proofing their Motorhome when you dont have a clue do you? so why answer when you know you are just venting your spleen. Open a thread of your own about Dog Haters Im sure you will get someone else to talk to instead of an aguement Liam. (lol)
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Don't come to Holland then Mr Puzzled. you'll be appaulled (we were). Today we were parked up at Delft, near the canal, not far from the centre of the town, and 2 local dog owners walked their dogs to the grass on the edge of the beautiful Canal, let them poo, and then walked away, this is right in front of their houses!!! Disgusting. We were also riding around and a young man, probably mid 20s peddled along, supping his can of summut, when he'd finished he just tossed it into the lovely canal that ran down the centre, there was loads of rubbish around - I thought the UK was bad but this beat it hands down, there was rubbish everywhere. Not what you expect in such a popular tourist location.


And I agree, dogs do NOT pee at the same time as they poo. They usually wait to find some unsuspecting grumpy old man and pee up his leg ... I've got them well trained you know!!! :D (lol) ;-)

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Perhaps as the originator of this thread I can add a new direction: what are the key living issues of motorhoming abroad with dogs (apart from all the legal/injection stuff). Any interesting tales/tails out there? ( Hope Pepe Le Peu isn't reading this). Jack
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