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All Clear Insurance Travel


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Hi Everyone ,

A few years ago on advice I purchased an all year round travel insurance with the above company . It covers all the kids with their disabilties .


I have a question one of the children I look after is covered on this policy .

I cannot get him an E111 card before we travel his mother has not been able for various reasons . Question is if I needed this policy to work would I have to give over his E111 card as well ? Would anyone know enough about travelling to answer this .


I was thinking that I wouldnt need it as we pay for this annual policy seperate and we would use if we have to . So I was hoping that we would not have to use our E111 as the policy would cut straight in .

Am I right or wrong .


Any help appreciated Thank you

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Hi Michele,


All the medical travel insurance I have seen requires you to use your E111 card, in conjunction with any travel insurance you have purchased. When attending the hospital, you will need to surrender your E111 card or your Credit Card, details will be taken of one or the other, and the card returned to you straight away.


I understand the E111 card will take care of around 80% of hospital, surgeon and nursing cost, the other 20% by the Travel insurance, less any excess you have agreed with them, usually the first £50 or £100 in some but not all cases.


Transport costs will need to be borne by you initially, ambulance car etc.. claiming back from your Travel Insurance on returning home, with the exception of a proper ambulance (paramedics) run by the firemen and expensive air costs, these will be indemnified by the hospital and invoiced directly to your insurers, i.e. transport costs by helicopter for 50Km was 9800 euros in my case, sometimes these costs will be sent directly to your home address, you will need to fax them very quickly to your insurers, its like pass the parcel, except you don't want to be holding the baby when the music stops :->


You will need to declare existing medical conditions, any medical claim you make will be thoroughly investigated - it is always a nail biting time hoping you have thought of everything, when you first obtained your travel insurance :'(


Your property claims, baggage, missed sailings etc.. will be covered by the travel insurance for a party travelling with you and without an E111 card, as this type of claim is not in the domain of the E111.

Hope this helps Michele.


Regards Terry



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