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sorry everybody but its me again needing help and advice :-D ,this is a bit of a long winded question so ill apoligise in advance,as its our first time doing france im trying to get my head round our trip mainly with advice and help from yourselfs which is really appreciated.were arriving in calais sunday 29th june at 11.45 am french time we will be in france until 11th july sailing 12.20am our plan was to split the trip into two main camps and im looking for some recomendations for a good camp for adults and kids say brittany being the first camp and i was thinking about normandy being the second camp therefore making my way back to the ferry and maybe taking away the need for over night stay anywhere between camps,what im unsure about would the travel to brittany be to much leaving calais at 11.45am or would i be better spliting that first journey to first camp.any recomendations for two good camps ie brittany then normandy or any other advice would really be appreciated ,and once again im sorry for the amount of questions in one thread.MANY THANKS from a family of french virgins :-D CHEERS KEITH.
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i am no expert but its a fair drive to Britanny . Why do you not use Aires which are free clean and most pleasant to use. If you dont like the look of it move away to the next one they are 10 a penny on the French motorways . If you do this you can stop on route without the worry of pre booking and getting to your first port of call by a certain time ?


Just a suggestion also it looks like you will have your work cut out coming all the way from Scotland .


Let me ask you a question

how far would you feel comfy driving once on French soil 100/200miles or more ? Will you be using the Motorways ? we could come up with lots of aires and or campsites where ever you would like to stop for the night .

As its your first time driving there i would suggest you take it easy.


again just a suggestion


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Hi Keith As your first trip to France won't be your last it might be worthwhile investing in a guide or two. The Guides de Aires de France is very good ( I think Vicarious Books will do it, maybe even Waterstones/WH Smith's). And there are other publications. Consider too an ACSI card and book from Vicarious Books which as you're going off season will give you good discounts on sites. Sorry if I've gone off your original question. You always get great help on this forum and I'm sure others, more offay than me, will suggest good places to visit and websites to access for info. Michelle is right it's a long haul from Scotland but we try to make that journey part of the holiday, making an overnight about halfway down, depending on your set out time etc. Enjoy your holiday. France is brilliant


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hi keith,

you don't mention / confirm that you're in a motorhome?? are you?

this makes staying at aires as suggested by Michele easier.


and you already have a long slog before you get to france -

believe me this will be the worst part of your journey, cos whether you opt for autoroutes or main roads - once you're there it is a doddle compared to schlepping down the UK motorways.


to come up with site suggestions will be easier after we get answers to 'chele's questions.


not sure that you will be able to take advantage of off peak rates for sites from ACSI and or Camping Cheques, but the ACSI book / CD can be useful, - suggest you check out Vicarious website for book options.

[http://www.vicariousbooks.co.uk/ ]





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sorry folks yeah the answer to michelle questions im travelling in a motorhome its a auto roller 600 not that the model matters :-D probarly happy with about 300mls a day ,was going to use motorways as it was my first visit,as it happens ive got the french aires book all the aires,but i find it difficult to get a feeling for where each aire is as i only no france as normandy brittany loire valley ect ect the main regions basically ,i stuggle with all the areas within these regions so ,im daft i know just a humble plasterer im afraid :-D ,the same with the caravan clubs europe 1 book i find that a nitemare to make out where each site is ,as in what region there in ie brittany normandy ect. thanks again everybody i do appreciate it . ps ive read on previous threads about some people taking the help for granted that the forum gives im not one of them i always thank on my posts .CHEERS KEITH.
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the french actually have a brilliant way of dividing up the country - courtesy of Napoleon perhaps - they use numbers - which form part of the car registrations - so car spotting is a great way to kids occupied - for a while at least -







usually also got details of the departements in the road atlas




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most french guide / camping books operate by departemente within region - [forget about arrondissements]


and invariably use the number as an easy shorthand - it's pretty straightforward - once you get used to it.

get the kids on it >:-) >:-)


if it's your first visit - and the kids can handle it - I would really suggest you just pootle along - don't try and cover massive mileages - there are some great places and a lot of people just whizz past 'em

'chele here is an expert on Le Touquet - and that's really not too far a trip from the channel ports -

keep an open mind - and stay or move on as the mood takes you - just driving a couple of hiurs between sites can give you a great holiday -

France is brilliant - but then I'm biased - I think Europe's brilliant anyway!!




ps bring on the euro, look how much we'd've saved this year alone >:-) :->

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Ok Keith break it down a little ...You leave scotland when ?

You get to the ferry or shuttle when ?

you get off the Ferry or shuttle when ?

what time will your wheels be in France ?

Do you mind staying on Aires ?

Or must you have a campsite for the night

depending on the answers then people will know how long you have been driving on the english side of things ...will depend on the replys you get .

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MICHELE that sounds like your slapping my wrists a wee bit :-D ,im leaving saturday morning from scotland 28th june going to just bust the dover drive that day stay over night at dover or campsite near by sunday mornin ferry 29th getting on french soil 12.00 am french time then this is where i get a bit lost,want campsite in brittany and like you say probarly dont want to do much more than 200mls in a day ,have no problems with using aires on the way down if i find one ,then second week find camp in maybe normandy as asume thats heading back the way ,need the camps to have the swimming pools chutes ect,to keep the little cherubs amused :-D ,hope this helps a little michele ,if not please dont shout at me (lol) thanks michele for your help .cheers keith
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Oh god so sorry I didnt mean it . I just wasnt sure what you were doing .

I also wasnt sure what you were going by shuttle or boat and didnt know if you would be very tired as it wasnt clear about the drive all the way from scotland .


anyway you should get a few more answers now and some more help .

I take it thats its defintely campsites then you dont know what your missing :D France is a wonderful place to drive and have a picnic .The more excuses the French have to stop the happeir they are they park anywhere (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
twooks - 2008-05-20 9:40 PM

now now keith - I get the impression you're winding our 'chele up >:-)



I think they are a match made in heaven lol

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:D Try Le Harve /Honfluer that will take you a good three hours covering round about 275 miles Honfluer is beautiful the Aire there is pretty busy and safe it costs 7 euros to stay the night .

You can take on water plug in mains you are on top of the town 10 minute walk its a beautiful place the harbour is very relaxing plenty to see .



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IF the weather's ok you could always stay along that coast - heading towards Mont St Michel - St Malo - ish

if not - head south till you find somewhere you like the look of,


if you want to check out sites with lots of kiddie facilities - get a Eurocamp brochure and have a read. there are lots of these sort of sites along the Vendee coast - [south of St Nazaire] and the weather used to be better than brittany - can't give you any recommendations re sites 'cos we avoid the big sites wherever possible - although some are good -

we've been here a couple of times out of season - nice village plus beach plus site has pool snack bar and shop


note postal reference is 29360 - with 29 being Finisterre - see

[posh new web site I see]





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I have a suggestion, you have passengers, do they really want to be thrashing along the Motorways like hell all day, take a step back and consider them as well.


You don't say what age the children might be, remember as little as 20 miles down the road can be just as magic to youngsters, all they need are swings and somewhere to run around.


If you need to go like a bat out of hell, fine but by yourself, please. Just one hundred miles inside France will give you a sampling of most things.


I used to think the same as you, the problem is that so much can be missed in between, and the site you finally arrive at could be similar to that one you passed some 250 miles back.


Keep it simple on your first visit.



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