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European medical care with the EHIC


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For ref: the E111 is invalid (as from 2006)


The EHIC (European Helth Insurance Card) is the latest card issued.


Plenty of details on line.


On TV a few days ago ref was made that when attending a unit for medical care the IHIC card has to be produced "ON SITE" and before they attend to you, not.....Oh dear it's back in the M/H etc.


If you do not have it on your person you will have to pay up FIRST then claim back later!



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In a similar vein, note that the level of cover varies from country to country, and is not necessarily the same as with the UK NHS.  The EHIC is, therefore, no substitute for medical insurance. 

Also note that many insurers will expect the EHIC to be used wherever appropriate, and that some may seek to recover from the insured costs they incur where an EHIC has not been obtained/presented.

As ever, read the small print on your policy!  Then, go forth and be happy.  :-)

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I think your last line may be a little confusing as I beleive if you don't produce it at the time of treatment you could well find that you are being treated under a private system and if that happens the way i have been given to understand, you will be liable for the bill and wont be able to claim it back later.





libby - 2008-05-20 11:52 PM


On TV a few days ago ref was made that when attending a unit for medical care the IHIC card has to be produced "ON SITE" and before they attend to you, not.....Oh dear it's back in the M/H etc.


If you do not have it on your person you will have to pay up FIRST then claim back later!



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Ref the on the spot financial charge for not having the immedeate possesion of the EHIC card on one's person. YES you will be charged as a Private Paying Visitor.


And the 'Can claim back later' comment, it was shown on a TV programme and I'm sorry I cannot remember the details further.



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