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Anyone had a bonnet respray?


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Autocruise 2005.

I noticed the white paint is flaking in a few places on the bonnet leaving the grey undercoat underneath. I went into a body repair garage today for a quote but the estimator is not available for a few days, so they took some details and a photo and said they will get back to me later in the week.

I think the whole bonnet will need a sand & spray over so I was wondering if anyone has had this done before and at what price so I will know if the price is fair or a Xmas rip off.



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What a can of worms ! You suggest a sand and spray, presumably you are anticipating the bonnet is left on.


If it were mine and I wanted a proper job done I would assume the bonnet is removed then ALL the paint be removed before a new undercoat and finishing coat be applied, then everything to be re assembled and a two week time span.


Its doubtful if anyone would want to risk respraying onto an old undercoat as it might crack and flake again and they would be responsible.


How do you ever know if a price is fair, it depends on the overheads of the business, Uncle Joe's around the corner might do a shiny new job for £120 with no overheads, while a qualified paint specialist might ask £800. Remember it would probably be a two man job to remove and re assemble a bonnet.


I base this on a quote I recently had for a paint job which was well over £1,000

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That's why I asked for someone who may have had a respray. They may have been charged £120 as you say, but the result may have been great, where as some one else may have been charged £1000 and have had a bad experience from a major company.


If I get a few useful replies from members with personal experience and good results I can then take an average price as a target rather than a random price out of the air which is of no use.



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BS20 - 2019-11-25 5:12 PM


Autocruise 2005.

I noticed the white paint is flaking in a few places on the bonnet leaving the grey undercoat underneath. I went into a body repair garage today for a quote but the estimator is not available for a few days, so they took some details and a photo and said they will get back to me later in the week.

I think the whole bonnet will need a sand & spray over so I was wondering if anyone has had this done before and at what price so I will know if the price is fair or a Xmas rip off.


Yes I had mine done for the same reason in 2014 at my, then, small local garage in South Oxfordshire. Cost £240 inc VAT. They took the bonnet off and did the work. It was a fantastic job, and is still pristine. Sadly the front wings and door pillars and doors under the side windows are now going the same way. I will do these bits myself with a an aerosol and alot of elbow grease. Crap Fiat paint work! (They don't expect a white van to last this long)



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Suggest you wait until the company you took your motorhome to comes back with a quote for the work and then ask forum-members whether the price seems reasonable.You should also ask the company how they intend to perform the task, as this will affect the labour charge.


If you GOOGLE-search on “cost bonnet respray”, you’ll find that your question has been asked many times. You’ll also find that the figures quoted vary considerably and that there are plenty of comments about the result being unsatisfactory.


This 2015 forum thread has some relevance




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The bonnet as with the rest of the cab will have been sprayed at the same time, if theres been poor adhesion to the primer (for any number of reasons) I would expect the bonnet to flake first due to it catching the most sun and then the panel tops, particularly the tops of the wings.

I would expect the front to be flatted to solid paint (probably the primer) then primed and resprayed, but whoever sees it will be able to make a more informed decision on what the best way forward would be.

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Ask around friends who may have had bodywork done locally. Recommendation is better than taking a chance or best price. As someone else has mentioned, ideally the bonnet should be removed which is fairly simple. 90% of a top notch quality spray job is preparation.....spraying is the easy part! Ask any body specialist.

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Not the bonnet but I have had a couple of scrapes on the car resprayed and the bumper on the last van we had repaired and resprayed on all three occasions I used Chips away.

They come to you and do it wherever, they bake the paint after spraying and give a three year warranty but had the vehicles much longer than that and were hard pushed to remember exactly where the resprays were.

Price used to be around £170.00 per panel.

Might be worth getting a quote


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Pete, I used Chips Away last year for a scuff mark/gouge on my motorhome's fibreglass wheel arch. They wouldn't come out but they did make a valiant attempt to fit my motorhome into their cramped premises. They matched the Hymer Carrera white perfectly, filled the gouge, and the overall job was of a good standard. £165+VAT.
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unfortunatly I have used them three times, the first time was on a brand new Skoda Fabia on the second day that we owned it we had a cat one alarm fitted.

We were there for hours waiting for the car to be finished and when we got the keys back it was dark, next morning we noticed a large scratch on the wing, I can only guess that the fitter had a set of keys hanging on his belt.

Gutted but had Chips away come to us and done a good job, I guess it depends on the Agent as it's franchised i beleive.

On my last motorhome I watched a woman trying to reverse a 5 meter car into a 7 meter space, kit was painfully obvious that she wasn't going to manage it, I was relieved when she drove away, what I didn't know was she then drove into the space in front of my motorhome, she drove in so tight that she scraped the corner of my bumper doing quite a bit of damage that she mus have been aware of but of course, she didn't stop so I ended up with another bill from Chips away.

I have no connection to the Business other than a satisfied customer.


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Removing and replacing the bonnet is an easy job - just 4 bolts. The bolts are in slots, but you can see by the marks the bolts have left where to put them when you replace them.

You can do it with an aerosol can, and if you mess it up so you have to take it in to a professional, you have lost nothing if you were going to do that anyway.

Taking it off and doing it in a shed out of the wind, with no worries about over-spray, makes it much easier.

And spraying the complete panel means that if the shade is slightly different, as it will be even if you are using the same paint as the old paint will have aged, means you won't notice as the different shades are separated by a gap. So with a white van you don't have to get exactly the same shade of white - ordinary white will do.

Spraying jobs are a classic case of more haste less speed.

Several light coats, and time to dry properly in between - or the paint may shrivel up.

Lots of waiting time in between coats - so its not going to be cheap if you pay a professional.

Keep the spray moving at a constant speed from one side to the other.

Then plenty of time to harden before you compound and polish it.


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