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Barry Newton

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Everything posted by Barry Newton

  1. Thanks everyone, I have rerouted the plumbing to the top of the tank where is is more accessible and everything is working again. Barry
  2. Thank you Derek Great idea. I will try this and get back to you with the results. Much appreciated Barry
  3. Hi Derek The tank is inside the van. The top of the tank is in full view and I can just reach the front of the tank where the hose connection is. It is similar to the above photo but my connector is on the side. Barry
  4. Hi The old pump is the Whale Self Venting Submersible GP9216 and the pump they have sent is GP162/ GP1652 12 V Submersible. The problem now is I can only get one hand in to attach the hose to the existing plumbing and it is a 2 hand job. There is what looks like a big plastic nut on the outside of the tank where the hose enters. I tried to get a spanner on it but it is so narrow I cannot get a grip of it. I am not even sure if this is meant to come of. Sorry I cannot add a photo as the tank is enclosed in the cupboard. Any help would be much appreciated. Barry
  5. Thank you Derek Yes it is a submersible. It is amazing how much strength you can generate by losing your temper. I wrenched it out of the tank. But It is near impossible to get the new pump in. I can only get one hand through the inspection hole and cannot see a thing. Also, the updated pump is 4cm shorter than the original so I will need to connect it to a hose so it so it reaches the bottom of the tank. The joys of motorhoming Barry
  6. I have a 2001 Autocruise Starfire. I am trying to replace the fresh water pump but I cannot remove it from the tank. I have disconnected the wiring but cannot disconnect the pipe. Has anyone tackled this before? Do you have to remove the tank? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Barry
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