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So's Mine!


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OH MY GOD! There's a brand new Cheyenne 660 parked on our path! It's massive! We are in shock. It's been on order for so long and now it's here we can't quite believe it's ours. There's so many lockers to open! so many buttons to press! there are lights on top of lockers! lights under doors! LED lights! dimming lights! a flip down telly! reversing camera! It's got everything!


Sorry, I'll calm down now :-D


It drives nice, well forwards anyway! I've only gone 5 yards backwards on the flat and no judder there! Phew!


The manual is thicker than the Bible so I'll not be going anywhere for a couple of days while I read that. We are getting the inverter, sat. dish and air con fitted this week then away for its maiden voyage next weekend.


I'll have to go now to play at vanning on my path!



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There seems to have been a terrible mistake.....clearly the Dealer has sent it to the entirely wrong address.


It should have been delivered to Polop de la Marina, Costa Blanca, Spain.


Now if you or the Dealer could just pop it on a transporter and redirect it to where it actually should have been delivered, we'd be most obliged; there's a good chap.





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Bruce, you may get the chance to see it in person because we are coming through Spain towards the end of the year! We'll let you know and you can put up the bunting.


Bob, Why did you say that? That's going to be on my mind now and the first smallish gap I meet will be the one! :-D

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Go for it Tomo - Bruce & Sparkle are always glad to see "escaped inmates" - and if you can get there when Bruce has a local gig on so much the better - well worth a look! Check out his website for the diary.


Enjoy many happy years (and thousands of kilometres!) with your new wagon!



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Tomo - its so nice of you to offer to drive it down for us... let me know when you're coming so I can book your flights home for you.... and clear a space for the new m/h (lol) (lol) (lol)


Seriously... we'd welcome anyone who happens to be passing our way - I'd love to say we'd come and see you all in the UK but we'd need to get about 2 months off as we'd take so long to get there in our slug van!!


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Hi Mel, shocked to read about your trouble in Holland. I always feel aprehensive when I go under a bridge and kids are leaning over. I always expect something to be dropped down. But Your experience must have been very frightening. It's sad that the impression of the country has now been tainted by your assault. I hope you are all recovering ok.


Sparkle, I have never know such a caring person! To be worried about how we would get home speaks volumes for your humanity. However, there is more chance of FIAT giving everyone a new non-juddering motorhome than me donating my van to Bruce & Yourself! But because you are such special people I will be collating orders for Baileys nearer the time! :-D

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