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Mis-Firing Fiat

Martin Cross

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I own a 2004 Hymer B504 powered by a Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD engine. The van has broken down twice recently and two dealers have been unable to identify/rectify the fault.

Symptoms:- the engine starts mis-firing, the red engine warning light comes on. The book states that this indictates a problem with the injection system but that it is safe to continue your journey a low revs etc. A Fiat dealer's diagnostic tool indicated the problem was with No.4 injector. This injector was swapped with No.3 injector to see if the problem was with the injector itself. Diagnostics showed that the fault remained in the No.4 pot therefore the injector was not faulty. It was then discovered that by pulling on the wiring to the injectors that the problem went away. The dealer then replaced a section of wiring which appeared to cure the problem. HOWEVER when motoring home from Luxembourg last week the problem re-occurred. I stopped at an Aire, used a shoe lace to tie the injector wires to the bonnet release catch to apply some tension to the wiring and the problem disappeared with the engine performing perfectly all the way home.

Has anyone come across this before and if so how was it resolved?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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I too remember reading something similar a year or two ago. I tried a search and got "server error". If my memory serves me correctly, I think it turned out to be a "dicky" connection where the wiring attached to the injector. It may have been actually inside the insulator, out of sight.


Start at the injector and carefully work your way back checking the wiring/connections.


Good luck shipmate !



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You can get a replacement injector connection or you can try spraying switch cleaner or better still aero klene 50 (maplans) on the connector and connect and dissconnect a few times.

This will keep all cylinders firing,




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