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what is a draw bar


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hi i have just got a bailey pageant s6 bretagne the dealer said my car ford galaxy is safe to tow it but on the way home we noticed on the towsafe paper work at the bottom that is illegal to tow a caravan over 7m excluding the draw bar. can someone please tell me what this is as the caravan i have is 7.340m
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Hi cav21


Can i suggest you join either the Caravan Club or the Camping & Caravan Club. They both run excellent towing classes that will make using your c'van so much more enjoyable - certainly the first few times!


Nothing worse than havng a tiring journey then having to deal with bits of kit you are not sure off. These courses and the info from the clubs helps a lot.


And do ask other caravanners if you are not sure - we are a friendly lot.


Have a good time.

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