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Eye sight


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Isnt it amazing what these Opticians can do now well most probably for ages .

I had a proper check up yesterday and I now need glasses for reading only .

I had puffs of air blown into my eyes bright lights shone into my eyes.

She checked the whole caboodle I feel much better knowing I have no Glacoma no Macular degeneration no hipertention and no diabetes .

Better than the doctors quicker anyway :D amazing your eyes tell a story 8-)

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You don't know how right you are Michele, mine probably saved my life! After being treated for migraine by my doctor the optician found a problem at the back of my eye that eventualy turned out to be a giant aneurysm on the right side internal carotid artery that had only been stopped from bursting by the effect of being surrounded by the optic nerves behind the eye, imagine a safety net, however I had had a couple of strokes due to bleeds from it.

Thanks Optician.



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I did not think I could see so well as I should so the optition prescribed some new glasses for me , but I will tell you one thing you need damn good eyesight to see through them and as in the song " I can see clearly now " http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/images/emoticons/icon_eek.gif
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Don Madge - 2008-09-17 5:13 PM


During an eye check up the optician suggested I visited my GP ASAP to get my blood pressure checked out.


It was 175/110 which is now down to 128/71with medication.



Also known in the trade as a long distance runner or arathon runner that is the ideal BP to have well done you

Eh the keep taking the pills bit is the logo Don nd not intended to take the Michael ;-)

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There are lots of people who should know better who just go and buy reading glassses of the shelf.


Opticians can save your sight by finding problems in time to get them put right.


Sorry that sounds a bit pompous - but you know what I mean. It's head in the sand stuff, like not going to the doctor when you need to.


I have a friend who went 5 years with high blood pressure after being told to come back in three months! She was lucky not to have had any damage to heart, kidneys etc but has to take two differetn kinds of medication daily plus aspirin.

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