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MMM's arrived!

Tony Jones

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Here it is again!! And once again, it seems to have come through a time warp since it's dated February.

Still, I've already got the March edition of "another mag."


More importantly, you lot always get excited when your Forum posts get printed in that little column at one side: what about half a page devoted to me on p21 then? :D :D



(at your "service!")

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Perhaps you could apply some spiritual science and advise in Bruce's direction ref his lonely offspring Martin who now languishes without parental control?


PS to the above, he's gone!


Can someone enlighten me on the wine holiday that sparkles our farmer fred's brow and I might enroll in the MMM





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  • 3 weeks later...
Randonneur - 2009-02-10 1:09 PM Well, its 10th February and our MMM still hasn't arrived, don't know what is going on.

Mine arrived in Czechland today, it's a big bumper edition so maybe your carrier pidgeon stopped of for some vino before continuing his journey !! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Losos - 2009-02-10 9:28 PM
Randonneur - 2009-02-10 1:09 PM Well, its 10th February and our MMM still hasn't arrived, don't know what is going on.

Mine arrived in Czechland today, it's a big bumper edition so maybe your carrier pidgeon stopped of for some vino before continuing his journey !! 

Ours finally arrived on the 14th, not holding my breath for the March issue.
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I read or rather skipped through MMM yesterday, my wife buys it and reads from cover to cover. Apart from Andys highly entertaining articles this must now be the most boring magazine on the market. They should employ a Mr J. Clarkson, with with both him and Andy writing every month it might stop me falling asleep after first page.
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Ned Swift - 2009-02-22 8:33 PM


Isn't this an opportunity to put a "request" in then, for items we would like to see included?


How about more on accessories and improving motorhomes? (see my other post)


Or pretty girls, what about Alice, Fred???



Editor Ned :-D


Your not talking 'readers wives' are you, have you noticed the average age for motorhomers

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My copy has finally landed on the mat today. How much of the content interests me varies from month to month, as I suppose it does for everyone. Lets face it, we're all looking for different things from a motorhoming mag. Some contributors have good taste though - just look at that "canny campervan" article!
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Let's not forget that the boys on Top Gear like motorhomes - there is a long relationship with motorsport as support vehicles. It's tuggers they hate.


Apropos last month's photo controversy - MMM finally arrived this morning but no excitement on Page 3, just a picture of something that makes lots of people judder (Fiat) rather than something to make the mens' pulses quicken!


Bob :-D

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only special people, VIPs, and fred gets there copy of three ms early josie my luvver. others av to wait for there newsagent to dig it out from under the counter on the forth thursday of the month. its the rules me ansums, its the rules. whats the point in being a VIP if yous cant get 3ms before anybody else? even alice don know when fred gets his, an then she pays up merry hell she does.



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