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Where do we go from here? New van advice, needed.


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Imported our Hymer last year, did above average mileage this year and have just had a couple of offers which would net us a tidy profit.


The point is, although we'll be up on the deal, we will still need to buy a replacement.


The ever-sinking pound means that importing another one is out of the question, hence the question, where do we go from here.


Our requirements seem to rule out my desire to replace our coachbuilt with an A Class, unless anyone knows of an A Class with bunks, or a set up that would accommodate two small children or one child and a grand-parent?


In view of the fact that said van must have at least 4 if not 5 belted seats and at least 2 separate births apart from the cab bed, should I take it as read that our choice will be limited to what we've already got, i.e twin lateral bunks with a double dinette, or twin transverse bunks with a single dinette?


I can't believe we'll be forced to go for the same again. Surely, another manufacturer has come out with another "family with 2.4 children" option?


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Have a look at the Rollerteam 700 , I know a few people with children who have found the massive overhead bed along with seating to eat for 6 a real help.


Seat belts for 6 but a friend has added another to make it 7 in safety.


We have the 600 and love it too but no bunks.


Good luck with it,


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For their 2008-range Hobby marketed the Siesta T-650 AK KLC - a broadly similar design to your present Hymer, but using the more suitable RWD 3850kg twinned-wheel rear axle version of the Ford Transit. There was also the Toskana D-670 AK KMC on 4-tonne Fiat Ducato chassis with transverse rear bunks.


In principle, it's easy enough to provide a longish list of motorhomes that might fit your requirements - just a matter of scanning down the Buyers' Guide at the back of MMM magazine and highlighting those entries that are shown as having sufficient seats and berths and a 'bunk bed' layout. (eg. Adria's Coral A690DK or Chausson's Flash 09).


In practice, you probably have set-in-concrete selection criteria that you haven't mentioned - like an aversion to a particular make of chassis, dimensional limitations or a firm maximum budget - that would veto many of those vehicles. Consequently, it's would be preferable for you to browse through MMM's guide yourself than for someone to do it for you.


A-Class designs with 'stacked' bunks are thin on the ground, though examples can be found (eg. Hymer's B-504CL and B-524SL, Itineo's SB-720 and certain Rapido 9-Series). You can certainly get A-Class motorhomes with a pull-down cab-bed and twin longitudinal rear singles (eg. Hymer B-674SL and B-675SL), but I'm not sure if that's what you have in mind.


I'm startled that anyone is prepared to offer you more for your imported Hymer than you originally paid, but best of luck if you can indeed make a profit. As you don't intend to go down the self-importing route again because of the present poor Pound/Euro exchange-rate, I'm not really certain what you are planning to do. The prices of new motorhomes being marketed in the UK are likely to reflect the exchange-rate shift, which suggests you may be considering buying used. If this is so, then researching the current motorhome marketplace for a suitable replacement for your C-682CL may not be greatly productive.

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On the exchange rate/ prices issue:


The pound has devalued some 25%+ against the Euro. That means, temporarily, it will be cheaper to source in the UK from existing stock. But it will be very temporary. The prices of new imported motorhomes will rise by some 25% come the New Year just so the manufacturers get the same income.


That will also apply to UK-built motohomes because virtually all the parts and the motive units are built abroad, so they all go up. By early summer next year, all the prices will have risen to compensate for the drop in the Pound. Importing used motorhomes from the Continent will be more expensive for quite a while longer.


Personally I think the drop in the Pound has been overdone, but I suspect there's more fall left in it before it starts to bounce back.


Mel E


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As Dave says, why not just continue to use the van you've got?


You know it well by now.

Any teething problems with your ownership of it will have been resolved.

You'll probably have made a few mods to it so that it better suits your individual tastes.


It's depreciation curve will I guess be less steep, year-on-year in the future.


Or is there something fundamentally wrong with it's layout/performance for your needs?

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Guest JudgeMental


In a similar situation as we bought new in 2007 at a good price......had intended to get a more expensive model this year or march 2009, but with all this economic nonsense have decided we are happy with the van and why change it.


You have to work out the true replacement cost to get a correct value on your van...Not just what you paid and what you can get presently for it. Real cost to change is what you should be calculating.


We were looking at the possibility a Hymer Exesis recently from Belgium and it was still £10.000 cheaper then here *-)

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Guest Tracker
If, as the original posting seems to suggest, you bought the van with the idea of using it for a year and selling it at a profit - nice try - some yer win and some yer lose - good luck if you win - bad luck if you don't - life's tough at times innit - but don't expect much sympathy!
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fred grant - 2008-12-18 7:39 PM


judge me ansum, in what way did all the economic nonsense persuade you not to buy your new van as planned? fred was thinkin of upgradin but judge has now got us worried of spending any money. alice is all for it tho my biddies, but i is not now so sure.



There are plenty of deals to be ad, Fred.

I know I got a cracking deal at the NEC, we were only looking at possibilities but the deal on the table was excellent & affordable., also knowing that we would have to change the van due to personal circumstaces.

If you find the right van with the right deal for you, I say go for it.

There may be some better deals if this climate continues for a period, but rememberthe dealers will have to finance the stock and that cost must be included when they sell it.

The only concern is if this situation continues for a very lenghty period the base vehicle manufacture may dissappear. But national governments will be loathe to see that happen & look at funding packages, like the USA with Ford, Crysler & GM + the UK with TATA for Landrover/Jaguar.

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libby - 2008-12-16 8:29 PM


Me thinks the aim of the financiers is to make Euro/ Pound equal, then we slowly and quietly slide into the European market system.


If only! If we could get in to the Eurozone at the current exchange rate our manufacturing industry would boom. It would, almost, be worth joining the Euro just to see it happen. The reality is that the UK has a total external debt equal to 4 times its GDP (and Gordon is working on increasing this) compared with the next major economy, France of 1.8 times. Italy comes in at 1 and the USA at ½. The reason the pound is sinking is that nearly all this debt has to be repaid in the next 12 months.

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Guest JudgeMental
flicka - 2008-12-18 8:42 PM


There are plenty of deals to be ad, Fred.

I know I got a cracking deal at the NEC, we were only looking at possibilities but the deal on the table was excellent & affordable., .


I will report back as I am testing the market at the weekend*-)


I am going to try and buy a new Audi on Saturday.......If the deal works then I will go for it, if not I will stick with what I have. No hardship really as same situation as with the van. But the pounds decline is very worrying for future vehicle pricing

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JudgeMental - 2008-12-19 5:13 AM


flicka - 2008-12-18 8:42 PM


There are plenty of deals to be ad, Fred.

I know I got a cracking deal at the NEC, we were only looking at possibilities but the deal on the table was excellent & affordable., .


I will report back as I am testing the market at the weekend*-)


I am going to try and buy a new Audi on Saturday.......If the deal works then I will go for it, if not I will stick with what I have. No hardship really as same situation as with the van. But the pounds decline is very worrying for future vehicle pricing


That's the beauty of it Judge, you are not in a position where you have to change and can choose when to walk away or keep sat down after the initial mouthful off and waiting for the each bite size out of their margin.

(just showing a little interest so they keep coming back with reductions or addition fitted extras.

You have to be prepared to spend (time not necessarily money)

:D :D

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BrianR - 2008-12-18 8:58 PM


libby - 2008-12-16 8:29 PM


Me thinks the aim of the financiers is to make Euro/ Pound equal, then we slowly and quietly slide into the European market system.


If only! If we could get in to the Eurozone at the current exchange rate our manufacturing industry would boom. It would, almost, be worth joining the Euro just to see it happen. The reality is that the UK has a total external debt equal to 4 times its GDP (and Gordon is working on increasing this) compared with the next major economy, France of 1.8 times. Italy comes in at 1 and the USA at ½. The reason the pound is sinking is that nearly all this debt has to be repaid in the next 12 months.


Well, a whole bundle of people swallowed the New Liebore manifesto at the last election.


It seems that many people actually believed that Liebore and Unions could run a whole country effectively. As to why, I have not the fogiest.

The unions have never run a single company. Not one. Never.

But they've closed down thousands of them.



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But the foreign philosopher seems to have conveniently forgotten The Blessed Margaret, and her disastrous effect on the real base of wealth in what needs to be a productive nation with so many mouths to feed in such small space.

If he really wants to talk politics on a motorhome forum then so be it - but the other lot, fronted by illegitimate inbred royalty, are only interested in making the wealthy wealthier, at the expense of the rest of us.

Who does he think caused this crisis? The ordinary workers? The unions? No it was the grabbing gits who already have enough but wanted more by any route available.

If any of you are interested in why I have shut up about the juddering it's beacuse until Fiat actually start wielding spanners (and they will) there isn't really a lot to say. But when that happens I'll start shouting again.

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AndyStothert - 2008-12-20 9:25 AM


If any of you are interested in why I have shut up about the juddering it's beacuse until Fiat actually start wielding spanners (and they will) there isn't really a lot to say. But when that happens I'll start shouting again.

Andy - Hopefully you will shouting from the rooftops that they have solved the juddering.

Don't let it spoil your Christmas

Best wishes (& luck)

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