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Don't know about MH travel in Jersey, BUT we used to got to the channel islands by boat (ex sailors) and the customs would not let you moore in the marina , if you had a dog on board, you had to stay on outside moorings.(Not attached to the land) The silly thing was (I thought) that you could take the dog ashore in the dingy !! The rule may have changed now, but would be worth checking with the customs there. Remember that Channel Islands are not in EEC.
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No too sure about the question of the dog, but having lived and worked in the Isalnd for close on 16 years had much experience of the 'fast cats', and also when we came back to the Uk permanently, of bringing our own cat over on the 'fast cat'....an experience she definitely did not like and was extremely poorly on the journey.

In principal, the Fast Cat is good, but if the sea is at all choppy, the ride can be very bumpy, and if the sea is rough, the boat has to slow down,and then wallows!

I don't know about dogs, but the cat travelled in a cage in the car on the car deck, which itself is not a pleasant area.

As far as the motorhome is concerned, it's use would be very limited unless is it a very small one, as the roads are mostly unsuitable, and apart from the campsite, parking difficult. If you do take the motorhome across, I would recommend you choose the site carefully, and whilst there were, I think, 4 or 5 sites in the choice allowed. you probably may preferone where some public transport is not too far away, or where you can walk easily.

If you want any further info,please send me a PM, and I will endeavour to find out further info from my family who still live over there,

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  • 4 weeks later...
We travel to jersey about once a year due to having family out there we travel with our 2 labs normally go by car but took our mh aug 2008. Its free to take them and they have to stay in the vehicle for the 3-4 hr journey you are not allowed down to check on them by yourself have to be accompanied by the cabin crew who usually peer through window as not to disturb them too much. Never had a problem when taking them even in rough conditions as long as well exercised before travelling hope this helps.
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Thanks for that information.

We were worried that 3-4 hours without being able to check could be a problem, but if crew will accompany you down to the car deck, we would be less concerned.

We have travelled over on many occasions with either car or motorhome, but have never taken the dogs before

I think we will go ahead now and book.

Thanks again


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Hi there,

Being born and bred in the Island we always have to travel by ferry to go anywhere off this rock.

One thing to note is that the fast ferries will normally only cary a motorhome of 6.5m in length and not over 3.5ton, if you are over this they may make you go on the "snail boat" which is an all day affair - leaving Portsmouth at 9am and not arriving in Jersey (via Guernsey) at about 7.30pm, just to warn you.However if you book early, subject to space they may let you take a longer vehicle on but will not be responsible if it bottoms out.

We have never travelled with the dogs on the slow boat but I know a lot of people who have (many times because they were moved onto it because of adverse weather conditions in the channel) and if that's the only way to get home then needs must. They all say the same that so long as the dogs are well exercised they will tend to sleep and you can take them on shore at Guernsey to releave themselves, after all it is only once in a while they are having a boring day! much the same as you wasting a days holiday upstairs.

The other thing to remember if planning to stay in Jersey, you must have a valid reservation in advance of arrival and you have to obtain a temporary import licence to enter the island with either a motorhome or caravan - normally the caravan site will arrange this (we have some funny laws over here!). Other things I would advise are to come with plenty of food as our prices are considerably higher due to nearly everything being imported, also your dogs food as not all varieties are stocked over here.Dogs are allowed on our beaches during the summer but must be kept on a lead between 10.30am and 6.0p.m. after these hours they can run free, there are also some lovely other walks along the north coast and southern headlands.

One last thing is that the price of hire cars is cheap over here so you could always hire a car for a few days if you didn't want to take a big motorhome around the island.

I think that's about all - hope you enjoy your stay if you do come over, check out the Jersey tourism web site for loads of other information.



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I think that you have covered alot quite well best to go shopping and stock up before you go as food is very expensive we stayed at Rozel campsite in st martins they were very helpfull when booking it turned out to be cheaper for them booking the ferry and pitch fees as they get it at a special reduced rate they also sort out your permits aswell lovely place for a holiday spectacular views dogs absolutely love going there.
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