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Appropriate Xmas present


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My son in law is a Methodist minister, he has his own church in Royton near Oldham anyone who knows Oldham will know that it is a cold freezing place just near the moors.

My son in law is not the most robust of fellows and really feels the cold, this morning he officiated at a funeral and when he came to our house this afternoon he was blue with the cold.

Later on in the afternoon I went to Maplins in Bolton where I bought a pair of electrically heated gloves, heated inner soles and a heated body warmer, I think he will really appreciate them for Xmas.

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Tracker - 2008-12-16 10:26 AM


It does make you wonder how our fore fathers coped without the delights and 'benefits' of modern clothing don't it!


Actually I think loads of them just used to literally die from the cold.


Seriously, I remember from school social history looking at some research on mortality rates in England by calendar months in previous centuries (from collated Church records).

Can't remember the exact numbers, but it was something like more people usually died in February and March (from cold, and foodstores running out) than in all the other months of the year combined.



Yay for tinned foods and electricity/gas!


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Tracker - 2008-12-16 11:57 AM


Now here's a controversial thought.


Was survival of the fittest such a bad thing for the evolution of our species?



I could really put the cat among the pidgeons with my views on survival of the fittest and evolution, but it might be a little too strong for a group of nice people, evolution and survival of the fittest of the species is ongoing as we speak.

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Guest Tracker
knight of the road - 2008-12-16 2:22 PM


Tracker - 2008-12-16 11:57 AM


Now here's a controversial thought.


Was survival of the fittest such a bad thing for the evolution of our species?



I could really put the cat among the pidgeons with my views on survival of the fittest and evolution, but it might be a little too strong for a group of nice people, evolution and survival of the fittest of the species is ongoing as we speak.


But not as ongoing as it would be but for the nanny state and the PC brigade I'll wager a shilling?


I just wonder how strong mentally and physically we will be as a nation in another 200 years if we 'progress' as we are currently?


I'm not advocating a return to the dark ages just asking a question!

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Tracker - 2008-12-16 4:07 PM


knight of the road - 2008-12-16 2:22 PM


Tracker - 2008-12-16 11:57 AM


Now here's a controversial thought.


Was survival of the fittest such a bad thing for the evolution of our species?



I could really put the cat among the pidgeons with my views on survival of the fittest and evolution, but it might be a little too strong for a group of nice people, evolution and survival of the fittest of the species is ongoing as we speak.


But not as ongoing as it would be but for the nanny state and the PC brigade I'll wager a shilling?


I just wonder how strong mentally and physically we will be as a nation in another 200 years if we 'progress' as we are currently?


I'm not advocating a return to the dark ages just asking a question!


We are witnessing on an everyday basis via TV and the newspapers the destruction of a particularly indigenous people who have failed to adapt to

evolution and progress, in 200 years time I think these people will go the same way as the dinasaurs and be confined to the history books, this is not the kind of group to discuss hard hitting subjects such as this.

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