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take aways


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hi everyone,

we plan on parking on marine parade next to the dover - calais ferry, overnight the sunday after new year, as we have booked to cross very early morning the next day.we have never been to dover before, can anyone tell me, are we going to be parked within walking distance to a chippy or any other takeaways, or maybe a pub that does food, as i won't feel like cooking after the long drive to dover.

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Dover, Sunday 4th January, evening, takeaway food?  Hmmmmm.  Dahn ere in ther sahf eest, we don't ave menny chippies.  That's all norf o' Watford, innit?

Seriously, even if someone pops up and says theres a great Chinese or Indian just nearby, I don't think you could count on it being open on a Sunday evening in January in Dover.  You'll see what I mean when you get there! 

In your own interests I think you need to plan on eating in, and on eating what you take with you.  Big thermos of hot minestrone type soup, or even a thermos of some kind of stew, with dumplings, and all the veg included?  No traipsing around a cold, windswept, wet, dark, strange, deserted, Dover.  Much cosier!!

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There is a Beefeater-type pub at the port end of Marine Parade which will be open. Don't try to get out on to the main road at that point - you won't fit as there is a 6'6" width restriction. The motorhome parking is at the opposite end of Marine Parade from this point.





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Last time we went to the chippy we weren't that impress and it wasn't cheap either!


I always make a nice stew and put it in one of the pans we usually take away with us (no point carting any more pots around with us!) and leave it sitting in the van's kitchen sink (so it doesn't matter if it dribbles a bit), then as soon as we get to Dover, the pan goes on the stove - its usually still warmish (I cover the sink with a towel to keep the heat in) so it doesn't take long to warm back through, I pop the bowls on the top of the pan and they warm up nicely as well. By the time it takes to get the table set, make a cuppa, cut up some nice crusty bread and slap a load of butter on ... lovely! A quick wipe out with some kitchen paper then a swill with the warm water remaining in the kettle soon cleans the pan sufficiently to make it easy to clean when I next wash up, same with the bowls, cutlery and cups etc. Much easier and no more time consuming that going to a chippy, making a cuppa etc. By having this with us, if we get stuck in traffic etc and are running late we can at least stop en-route for something to eat rather than wait till we get to Dover when we are really tired and passed being 'hungry'.


You could stop en-route rather than at Dover itself, you'll pass a few places on your way down to find something to eat but with it being a Sunday you could struggle a bit.

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Lack of take-aways at that time of year open on a Sunday eve.

There is a pub (and carpark) at the Whitfield roundabout (LHS) that does carvery & pub food on Sundays, but I guess it's more likely to be lunchtimes than evening - and sorry I don't know the standard.


If you let me know which way you'll be coming into Dover A2 or A20, I can let you know of a few places before you get there for food. Send me a PM

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There is a hotel at the ferry end Marine Parade (Premier Inn?), presume they would have a restaurant. However like others I usually have something already cooked eg bolognese in a container- by the time you've heated it your pasta will be ready too. Have  a good trip.


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There IS a good chippy in Dover, but it's not by the port. I think it's on Castle Hill Road (A258), and twice now we've found a parking space on the street nearby, enjoyed our fish & chips in the van, then moved on to our overnight spot.

Can't remember whether either of those days was a Sunday, but chip-shops quite often close on another day (eg Monday) and stay open all weekend.

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thanks everyone for your replies.we have rethought our plans now and have decided that you are all right, (as usual). we are going to take something pre prepared at home,and warm it up when we get there.i'm sure we'll be thankful we did, when we get there and it's freezing cold and pouring with rain.
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For something different and for you to get into the holiday feeling. We take a Chinese purchased the day before, cooled naturally and popped into the fridge. Few mins in the microwave or oven with a small amount of water over the rice.. Perfect !!!!
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