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I don't know of any purpose built ones. All you need for France is a french extenson lead with two or three sockets on it. You then would probably want to make up a short lead with a CE (blue) plug at one end and a french socket at the other. Assuming you already have the means to connect your mains lead to a french socket (you still find lots of these on aires and campsites in France), you can then either initiate or share in a split electricity supply. Don't expect to be able to take more than 2 or 3 amps, depending on how many are sharing the one supply.
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You an buy French ones at any DIY shop in France! Not being flippant here, but we bought one last year and it was fine. We just plugged the splitter into the power box on the aire then used the 2 pin adaptor from the splitter to our hook up cable. Other vans hooked up too and we had no arguments or problems when we moved on. They just thanked us for letting them use it.
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